Chapter 1 - Who knows? Could be a best seller!

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Cassandra awoke, in a daze. She felt lethargic and weak. Forcing her eyes to stay open, she began to inspect her surroundings. At first she saw nothing but white, like a bright light was being shone directly into her eyes but as she continued looking, squinting, her eyes began to adjust. She was lying on a white oak, white sheeted four post bed, that had white lace cascading over the top and draping down the sides, hiding the rest of the room from view.

In slow languid movements, as that is all her body would allow, she crept across the bed.

This bed is big enough to fit eight or more of me easily, she thought idly.

Reaching the slight parting in the lace, she tentatively poked her head out.

The room surrounding her was stunning, white marble tiles, white stone columns and vines growing lazily up the walls sprinkled with tiny coloured flowers. Cassandra had only ever seen two things as beautiful as this room, and they were here beloved children.

The word ‘children’ echoed through her mind.

Which was when the memory of their deaths came flooding back. She re-lived every detail within seconds, leaving her sobbing and gasping for air.

Surely it had been a dream, she thought to no convincing avail.

 She remembered their faces, their blood, their lifeless eyes, calling for vengeance and finally she remembered the knife. The knife she had used to cut herself, in an attempt to be freed from the world. Turning her head down to inspect her arms she saw no marks or incisions and no blood staining her clothes.

Where am I? She wondered frightened at how little of this made sense.

If it were heaven her family would be here., but they were not of this much she was certain. If they were alive, she would feel it. A mother always knows. Curling into a ball, she continued to weep, silently cursing the one who had not allowed her to die as she had wished too.


It felt like hours later when Cassandra heard someone approaching, barely audible footsteps, but footsteps nonetheless. With no idea who, or what it was, and with no way to defend herself, she feigned sleep. Perhaps whoever it was would leave her grieve and feel sorry for herself in peace.

“Did you know, that whilst asleep the tempo of your breathing changes, it becomes slower, calm almost rhythmic in fact. Not at all similar to how you are breathing now, Cassandra. Please, stop the nonsense and sit up so that I may inspect you.” A cold voice chimed.

With rock solid fear all but choking her, there was nothing she could say, nothing she could do except comply. She slowly sat up. As she turned to face the voice that had quite abruptly addressed her she was taken aback by the beauty of the creature standing in front of her.

She wore what Cassandra could only identify as a sheet, draped over one shoulder, wrapped around her body and fastened with golden rope, her skin was pale and smooth, un tarnished by sun and weather. It was beautiful. Her lips were perfectly formed, her nose straight, her eyes, a remarkable shade of green seemed to pierce Cassandra, seeing more than they should have she suspected. The most striking feature by far, Cassandra decided, was her hair. Her thick and wavy long vibrantly red hair fell over her shoulders, reaching just below her chest and framed her face perfectly. She looked like a china doll, a carving of perfection. The way she looked did not match her voice, Cassandra summarised, her voice was cold and almost callous, condescending in fact. Frowning at what an odd woman stood in front of her, she listened as the woman continued.

“Excellent” She smiled methodically. “This has gone better, and quicker than I expected. You are ready now.” She finished with an almost exited sounding lilt.

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