Chapter 6

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My chest felt contrsicted as I bent over, hands on my knees to support my upper body. Sweat trailed down every crevice of my body and down my face making me feel sticky and gross. 

My opponent was laying on the floor, taking deep breaths after having the wind knocked out of her by none other than me. 

From behind me, I could hear Eros cap as he walked closer to us. I glance up at his half naked body and roll my eyes at how defined his muscles look right now because he's been training the whole morning. "Michelle, that was amazing. Take a break and then get back to it." 

Michelle leans onto her side and glances up at Eros, then at me, and then keeps her eyes casted down to the ground like a good girl because she knows I would have ripped her head off if she so even spared him a look she should not have been. "But Alpha, I lost." 

Eros chuckles and hands me a water bottle. "Thalia is your Luna. She is naturally stronger than you, but you kept up very well. You should be proud." 

I walk over to Michelle and give her my hand, offering her help up. She takes my hand and I pull most of her weight up. Giving her a gentle smile, I offer her my water bottle that I had not used yet. "As Eros said, you did an amazing job and landed a few blows on me. In the case of battle, you will be victorious." 

She smiles at me. "Thank you Luna, Alpha." She bows her head before running off to a few of her friends. She is one year younger than me, but very strong and quick. I can see her thinking about the movements, but she doesn't give them away like many young fighters do. 

I walk back to Eros and lean up on my tiptoes to give him a kiss. He grabs my cheek and holds me to him for a few seconds longer before slowly letting go and resting his forehead on mine.

"I never would have thought you would be such a good fighter." And from seeing the look on my face at his words, his eyes widen and mouth gapes open. "I didn't mean it like that! You are obviously a strong person of course, I just didn't know you knew so much..."

He trails off while looking unsure of himself. My wolf and I both chuckle at his concerned face and I so badly want to draw this out.

Don't tease him, he didn't mean it that way.  My wolf chimes in. 

Oh I know, but it would be so pleasing to watch him fluster the rest of the day to make it up to me. I smirk evilly on the inside and think of all the ways Eros could make it up to me after 'insulting' me. Of course what he said isn't an insult, in fact he had every right to think that way. We barely know each other still, although we get a long quite well and share some similar views, but how would Eros have known that David and I spent a lot of our time together training.

I prefer to not talk about him or the subject at all.

Thalia. My wolf growls at me and I roll my eyes inwardly at her, telling her I'm not going to be mean. 

I lay my hand on his bicep, half to comfort him and half just to feel the pulsing muscle beneath my palm. I wonder what else is pulsing

My cheeks start to feel warm from that thought and I hope Eros doesn't notice my blush as I clear my head of such perverted images. "It's alright, I know you didn't mean any harm. But you can make it up to me by giving me a little kiss." 

I pucker my lips to him and he chuckles while leaning down to lay a quick kiss to my lips. "Alrighty, go eat some food and hydrate yourself, then come back out here so we can train some more. Some of Alpha Grim's pack warriors will be coming over later this afternoon to go over some offensive maneuvers we can take as a team and to make sure everyone is on the same page." 

I sigh as I wrap my arms around his torso. So much is going to happen in the next few weeks and it's all stressing me out. And on Friday, Allie wants to throw herself a birthday party which means the whole pack will be invited, as well as some friends she has in neighboring packs. So many people in such a small place at once. If I know David at all, I know that he would try something at that time. 

Eros said he will be increasing the patrols and security that night, I will have guards around me at all times if I ever leave his side, and he will be doing patrols himself through the duration of the party along side Alpha Grim. But it's still so worrisome.  

Eros' hands land at my waist and he leans his cheek on my head, sighing. "You have nothing to worry about. I will take care of you, protect you, and so will this pack. If anyone tries to take you from me, I will rip their fucking head from their shoulders and let my warriors destroy any evidence of their existence. You are my mate, my Luna." 

His hold tightens and I kiss his chest just above his heart before looking up into his eyes. "And you know that if anything happens to you, I would never forgive myself. You are my mate, my love, my Alpha and if anyone has anything to say about it I will also be ripping their head from their shoulders." 

Just imagining something happening to my Eros makes my heart ache and my veins to pulse with anger. If David so much as lays a finger on my mate, I will no longer be in control of what my wolf wishes to do. 

Eros sighs, not with worry but in adoration and leans down, pressing his soft lips to mine. He's slow at first, teasing me with his tongue every now and then and I pull him towards me, looking for more.  

His hands grab onto my waist giving me goosebumps and I sigh in content. The warmth just a simple touch or kiss from him spreads fire through my body and makes me never want to leave his side. I feel like I always need to be touching some part of him and if I'm not near him, anxiety plays with my mind and I get the jitters. 

Eros slowly pulls away and smiles at me, his eyes shinning with a happiness that makes my heart jump knowing I did that. I smile back at him and run my hand over his cheek. 

"I'm going to go eat now, but I'll be back out soon to kick some more ass." I whisper, my lips brushing against his ever so slightly. He nods his head, giving me one more small peck before pushing me away slightly. 

I look at him one more time before turning and walking towards the house. 

My wolf and I sigh again, a permanent smile stuck on my face despite the fears for the future gnawing at my thoughts.

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