Chapter 1

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I duck under a branch, my heart racing though my chest with every breath of air. The wind blows in my face, pushing hair into my line of vision and I go crashing down, my knees and wrists taking most of the impact. I jump up just as fast as I fell and continue my running. My bare feet slip in the moist ground as I take a tight turn, catching different colors of furr out of the corner of my eye.

I growl and push past the pain in my side and leg, hissing when a branch scrapes across my face.

A growl shakes the forest and my wolfs head bows in submission but I keep going, ignoring the Alphas command to stop.

A clearing comes into view as I jump over a tall rock and stumble on my feet, but keep going. If I wasn't being chased or tracked right now, usually I would have taken the time to stop and admire such a beautiful view the clearing offers. I'm half way across the large, open expanse of land when a brown wolf jumps out from the other end running towards me, two others come in from the sides. I skid to a stop and wildly look around for an escape, my hair waving around me.

Either my running has become slower or these wolves train hard because usually I can outrun then, especially with the length advantage I started off with in the beginning.

I turn back around only to run straight into the Alpha, my nose snacking into his chin. I make an 'humf' noise as I fall straight back, my tail bone hitting first. My elbows scrapes against the ground as my feet come slightly off the ground and I grown, closing my eyes, taking the pain as not to show how much I hurt.

Just another day of injury.

I hear the wolfs, still in their form, skid to a stop around me, some dust and plants flying up with their feet that hit the ground. I open my eyes and sit up more on my butt, looking at the scrapes on my elbows and pressing on my sore wrists with my finger tips.

A small growl emits from the Alphas chest and all at once, the wolves once surround us back up to make a large circle, patrolling the clearing. A large tan hand comes into my line of vision, and without looking up, I hesitantly lay mine in his, accepting help despite an inner voice yelling at me not to. Sparks shoot up my arm, scaring me and I pull away, at the same time taking a scoot back on my butt. I stare shocked at my hand that's still tingling and shaking now from anxiousness.

Oh Goddess, this can't be happening. My inner bitch whines out and I shake my head.

I close my eyes for a split second, before popping them open and looking up into the eyes of my mate. He stares wide eyed at me, greedily taking in all my features with a curious eye and obviously no shame as he runs them down my tank top and short clad form. My jaw clenches at the mere sight of him; tall, broad shouldered, narrow waisted, and muscles defined in a tight shirt while his arms stay tensed at his sides, veins running up and down his biceps and forearms.

I look back up at his facial features, wishing he at least had a scar or ugly, unproportioned face; but no... everything just has to be perfect for this guy. Semi long, curly hair, straight nose, with his cheek bones and square jaw line, he has probably seen a lot of women in his life time. Jealousy rips through me and I almost growl at myself for feeling that, or should I say, growl at my wolf for feeling that.

Just because you don't want him, doesn't mean I want to skip out on our very hot, very defined, manly mate. My wolf yipes out at me, her snotty attitude getting on the last of my nerves.

The next thing that hits me is his scent, which admittedly I smelt a couple days ago when I was snooping out around the edges of his territory, but didn't really catch on to it. I take a deep breath in and almost purr as an instant calm washes over me, enclosing me in the smell of fresh air and cinnamon.

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