Chapter 3

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I wasn't sulking in my room nor was I avoiding Eros, I was simply tired and needed a long rest. A really long rest. Three days to be precise.

Of course food has been brought to my room and I have been taking regular showers, but the room decor was just so beautiful I couldn't see how anyone would want to leave it.


It was nothing compared to Eros' room, but it was rather large.

After the diner incident, I had asked for a spare room and haven't left or talked to him since.

Not that he would want to talk to me, he's probably angered by me separating myself from him and acting harshly towards him in front of his pack. In fact I know he is because there have been multiple times where I can feel random surges of anger and uneasiness and I know those emotions aren't mine.

I am embarrassed for myself for acting out like that, but I was under pressure and just exploded. I know I should just talk to him, which I might have to today. It's been three days and he said he would give me that much time to tell him what I'm running from. 

I have been thinking of a false story but I'm also leaning more towards the truth. If I tell him, I know he will help me, but he'll also use his pack to protect me and I don't want them to get hurt because of my stupid mistakes. They don't deserve that, Eros doesn't deserve that. 

A knock comes at the door and the young lady who has been bringing me food opens it to peek in. "Eros has requested you in his office, Luna." 

I sign and give her a gentle smile. "Ok, thank you." 

I follow her down to the ground floor and towards the back of the house where she waits in front of the door before cracking it open. "He said you can go in."

I nod at her and thank her once again, take a deep breath and push the door open the rest of the way. Eros is sitting behind a rather large mahogany desk. I glance into his eyes but immediately look away and instead to the décor around the room. One wall is entirely book shelf and the other has a couch and kitchenette against it. 

There are two small plush chairs in front of his desk with a small table between them. I sit down on one of the chairs and finally look at him. To be frank, he looks like shit. He has bags under his eyes, his cheeks look sunken in, and his shirt is super wrinkled. 

"You wanted to see me." I break the tension in the air. He sighs and sets his pen down. 

"I have been wanting to see you for the past three days now, but me being a decent person, I was giving you space." He semi-glare's at me, leaning back in his chair. "Now that your three days are up, you get to explain to me who or what you where and are running from." 

His tone goes from caring mate to bossy, protective Alpha. I swallow nervously and my leg starts to bounce up and down. "I know and I will tell you. I first off want to apologize for my behavior in the diner and hiding myself away. I was- am embarrassed and you just kept pushing, I was so frustrated." 

I glance at him and see some understanding in his eyes. "I must apologize as well then. But you need to understand that you are my mate, whether you want to be or not- our bond is very strong already and knowing that if there is harm coming after you... I can't protect you from something I don't know. I need you to tell me." 

I nod knowingly and my eyes start to water. 

Just the allergies right? My wolf butts in. 

I roll my eyes at her but I take a deep breath. "I've been on my own for quite some time now and when things got really rough, I found a group of rouges to run with. They where a small group then, but have gotten larger since. It's been about 3 years since I was last with them. Anyways, to make a long story short, I kind of promised myself to the leader, David. I was so lonely and scared and he said he would always be there for me. I didn't think about the consequences until a couple months after that. I have a mate - you - and I could have a family again. But then I thought, if I found my mate, David would surely kill him and I can't do that to my mate. I couldn't do that to myself." 

I pause and look at Eros only to see him kneeling in front of me. I didn't notice that he had moved at all. He takes my hand in his and rubs his thumb over my fingers. My body heats up and I feel wonderful little tingles run through my hand and up my arm. "I-I don't want anybody getting hurt Eros, because I know he will come after me. He was vicious and cruel as time went on and when I left, I was barely alive. I ran and ran for days. I have been all over the country running from him and there have been plenty of times where he almost got me back. Eros I don't want anyone to get hurt or even worse killed-" 

He grabs my hand and moves so that we're both standing, me wrapped in his arms. He noticed and could feel how worked up I was getting. I take a few deep, shaky breathes and wrap my arms tightly around him. 

"I know you hurt because I've been pushing you away; I hurt too. I want you so, so, bad but I don't want you getting killed for me. I wouldn't survive that." I pull back to look into his eyes and he rests his hand on my cheek. 

"No matter how hard you try, you would never be able to escape me. You are my mate, my Luna and me and this whole pack will protect you with our lives no matter what. I know you don't want that, but that is how it is. A pack cannot survive without their Luna and the Luna cannot survive without her pack. It is mutual." Eros places a kiss on my forehead. 

"What about you?" I ask him. 

He smiles and rubs his thumb across my cheek. "I too, cannot survive without my Luna, nor can she survive without me." 

I laugh and lean more into him. "Or so you think." 

He throws his head back and laughs, smiling so hard his dimples pop out. "Well I would hope so. You're not an easy mate to be with." 

"Hey! I'll have you know I'm a very agreeable person to be around." I pinch his side. 

He sighs and lays his forehead on mine. "So you'll stay? You're not going to run away?" 

"No. Unfortunately for you, you're stuck with me."

"Darn. I was hoping I could get my life back." 

"Do you want to be punched?"

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