Dan, The Early Years. 2055

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This chapter is for Dan, my Dan.

I wish I could have one more day.

I miss you, Danny boy, my hero.

Sid x

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Year 2055

Lieutenant General Dan Haeckel

Age: 35

Location: Manor, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Dublin

It was so hard to speak, these days, so damn hard to get anything out.

She was going, soon, and I had nothing, NOTHING, that would save her. Hopeless. Weak. Pathetic. I couldn't do anything.

I couldn't even find words, the right ones, to say to anyone. Not even my beloved, fading wife. What was I supposed to say? I couldn't think of anything but 'don't go'. Stupid. Senseless. Screw up.

"Danny, the boys will be waking up soon. Do you want me to bring them downstairs for breakfast?"

I turned numbly to see my mother in law smiling peacefully up at me. She'd been visiting most days since Sondra had worsened and was now staying over as my wife was forced to remain at the hospital for constant surveillance and treatment. She was a huge support, and a comfort. I wish I could be more like her, so strong and accepting, but all I could do was stand around, wallowing in my grief, not even thinking of the two healthy boys that were my sons.

"I'll go wake them up," I said, my voice slightly hoarse. I cleared my throat and made my way to James' room first. James was not a normal kid. That I had learnt quickly.

Magic flowed through his blood at least ten times the power of my own. He was not talkative, often quiet, and yet he still drew attention and he was always watching his surrounding with clear, focused expressions. And there were times I could swear he knew what was about to happen before it actually occurred. I could never forget his high-pitched screaming just before the nurse had come to tell me that Sondra had had her heart attack.

I entered his room and found him sitting up in his bed, cross legged, his hands patting the sheets around him as if he were looking for something. As I came closer, he looked up and smiled. A smile that made me feel instantly light. It wasn't that usual feeling I got when I saw his innocent face brighten up. It was as if he were channelling emotion to me through his expression. I didn't understand how he could do such a thing, let alone why, but deep down I felt an inner turmoil. Would this gift of his benefit him in the future, or ostracise him?

He lifted his arms towards me and his smile changed into something that looked somewhat pitying. I shook myself out of the daze and strode over to him, hefting him up onto my hip. I turned my head to face his and nudged his nose with mine.

"I'll always be here for you, James." I quickly pressed my lips to his cheek and then made my way to Liam's room. I felt uncomfortable, knowing that James shouldn't understand what I had just said but probably had.

I found Liam as I expected him, sprawled over his bed with the sheets twisted between his legs and around his waist. He could be so neat and organised but in sleep he was dishevelled and restless. I got a better grip on James and leaned down to shake Liam's shoulder.

"... jus' leave him behind or you'll get sucked in..." he mumbled into his pillow.

James giggled which made me grin. "I can't leave him behind! Let's go back, quickly, Sir Liam!" I chuckled to myself as he frowned and shifted around onto his back.

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