|Case Eight|

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Chapter 8| The case of a day off. (Part 1)


"Kali Dream." The nurse said as George and I sat in the waiting room in the hospital. I looked over at her and she was all smiles. She wore a pink floral print scrub that fit just right. I stood up and George grabbed my hand. We wanted to take an at-home pregnancy test, but those things arent really accurate, so we waited 3 days for my day off. We walked down the cold hallways that seemed like it will never end. My chest was rising and falling quickly. I cant even fathom the emotions that will flood into my body if im pregnant. I have never had a babydoll, pet, or anything that I had to be a mother figure towards. Kali Dream dont do kids. I still feel like a inner child at times. I love George and see a long future with kids and a big fat wedding but not now. Im at the peek of my career and riding a nice high with a team that is amazing. We literally just solved a case with Clones...real life clones. We stopped at room 3 and we walked in. The nurse spoke, "Kali, you hop on to the table. Sir, you take a seat there. The Doctor will be in shortly." I gave her a fake smile and she walked out. I rolled my eyes and George chuckled, "Babe, calm down. Its probably because of stress."

"Its been almost 4 months I havent had my period. I mean my stomach doesnt look like its growing." I lifted my black top and rubbed my stomach. I continued, "I cannot have a child. What the hell will we do with a child?"

"Love it. Take care of it. Be there for it. Is it that bad to have a child by me?" George said as I looked over at him. His face was like someone just ran over his childhood dog. I exhaled, "George its not--" The door opened and an Asian lady with a white lab coat walked in and said, "Im Doctor Sun. I will be examining you today, Hello." She sat her clipboard down and she asked, "So what seems to be the problem? Im looking at all the results from the vision and screening test that the nurse took and they can back fine. And You are definitely pregnant with the urine test you took." My jawdropped and as I looked over at George his face lit like a child on Christmas.

"How far is she?" He asked Doctor Sun. She said, "About 3 months. I will write you a few prescriptions for some prena--"

"No need for that, is abortion still a choice?" I asked, George shot up out his chair and snapped, "You arent aborting our child." Tears fell down my face and I felt so dumb, how could I allow this to happen.

"George, what am I going to do wth a baby? A baby? Another life in my hands."

"Kali, you save and protect people on the daily basis. It may take a village to raise a child but thats why you have me and a new team that will be at your beckon call--" He walked over to me and grabbed my hand. We stared into eachother eyes and he asked, "What did you tell me the first time we met?"

"Stop staring at my ass." I replied to him and we both chuckled as I wiped my tears.

"And you said dont ever be scared of something that you never you tried." He told me and I replied, "But you threw up second laters after trying Octopus."

"Yea and I will never eat that again, however I tried it."

"A baby isnt a trial and error type of deal. We will have to be there for this baby for the next 20 something years in this economy. Do you really wanna go through with this George?" He kissed me on the lips and I grabbed his face and in that moment I felt so in love and I was reminded me of why we of why we are together. I looked over at the Doctor and exhaled, "Okay, whats the next steps?"



"Are you sure?" I asked Zues as we sat down on the loveseat inside Jacob home. He sipped his freshly brewed coffee and said, "Yes, I can definitely get those files off my laptop back at R.E.D. Ill head over and be back. Im just happy I got brought into this. Then again who else?" She laughed and said, "Yea, its really eating Jacob up. If we can--" The room door opened and out walked a wet Jacob, wrapped in a bath towel. His muscles shining through the water like diamonds. And his bulge under that towel was so noticable. Zues pushed his glasses on to his face and said, "Well, I think this is my que. Ill be back, just make sure when I get back you two are fully dressed and ready to work." Zues grabbed his jacket and ran out of the door. Jacob joked,"He must have seen something he didnt like." I stood up and laughed, "You right, he seen something he love. All gays love a nice stud muffin."

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