|Case Four|

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Chapter 4| The case of the missing baby.


"What? That movie wasnt even all that great. I knew who the killer was since the beginning. Did I or Did I not?" Zues said to me as we sat in his office dranking coffee.

"Maybe if you dont over analyze everything we could have actually enjoyed it, instead you want to blurt out every scene coming up and got us kicked out." I snapped at him, he laughed, "You have to admit it was funny and besides that was nearly 3 days ago- Im sorry."

"Are you?" I asked him as we stared at one another. I continued, "So what you did for the rest of the weekend?"

"Relaxed. I caught up on my shows. Tried a new recipe. Washed a few loads. You?" His weekend sounded so chill, compared to mine. I exhaled, "Went for a 50 mile run on Saturday, then Gym. Also, did a swim meet on Sunday."

"Sound exhausting." He sighed.

"Yea, thats how I keep this body in shape." I said smirking. He replied, "So what part of Africa are you from? That accent is--"

"Sexy." I said cutting him off.

"I was going for strong." He corrected me. I sat up in the chair and fixed at my tie and said, "South Africa."

"Oh wow what made you leave there? I heard it is beautiful its one of the places on my bucketlist." He said cheerfully.

"My brother and I grew up not so rich. When I was 18 , actually the day of my graduation he was murdered because he broke into someone home to return something he stole because I told him to. I never forgave myself for it, so I saved up and brought a plane ticket and came over here and went to UCLA on a Foreign Scholarship." I explained while clearing my throat. Talking about Robby, always make me choke up. Some stupid Bracelet got him killed. He wanted to show me he can do good.

"Wow, that sounds sad Savi. I bet you are making your brother proud." He said trying to make me feel better.

I sat up and changed the subject, "You know my real name isnt Savi-its Savianotwowah."

"Thats a mouthful. Well Ill stick with Savi." He said while shaking his head. My office door opened and it was Alore.

"Hey guys, we have someone coming in for a case. Captain wants us in the Layout area." She said smiling very hard at us. I hopped up and followed these two out of my office and Jacob and Kali was standing up looking at the distraught lady.

Captain said, "This is Rachel Pentegrass. She wants you guys to help her find her baby. No cops or FBI will help her. She has paid me upfront 1.5 million for you guys to take this case."

She spoke, "Its another 1.5 million once he is found."

Alore replied, "not to be rude--" then she asked, "but why wont the cops or anybody help?"

She cried out, "Because Its no trace of my son. My family dont know that I was pregnant due to me running away from my judgmental family. Also, I didnt deliver him at a hospital. All they have to go off is my story. I was at a gas station in Brooklyn and a white van pulled up and took my boy out the backseat as I went in and paid for gas."

I snapped, "You left a baby in a car alone?"

She argued, "No, ofcourse not. He is 5. I was coming right back."

"So there is no trace of a five year old boy. Someone must have seen him before." I retorted.

Captain Reign said, "thats the thing this happened 10 years ago. He should be 15 now. Also, she went crazy at the gas station and the cameras dont show a child with her, so the detectives checked her into a psych ward for years. She finally caved into their treatments and started believing that she made this child up. However, once she was released--"

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