5| Few truths, few secrets

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"Ranisahiba, I am fine. You just bring some beverage" Shyam assured her sweetly keeping aside a burning lava on his entire system.

Anjali held his arm shaking her head vigorously "No shyamji.. your pain"

Shyam gritted his teeth with his closed jaws "I am fine ranisahiba trust me. I am thristy, so please will you?"

Anjali wiped her tears and left to kitchen abiding his wishes.

As soon as she was out, Shyam vehemently throws a photo frame which has Anjali and arnav in it.

"Damn it. How many times... How many times I have to fail in my goal to reach the success... How the hell that Arnav Singh Raizada came out alive from that car? He's standing there fit as fiddle with only a bandage on his head, Damn... My each and every plan is failing from the time that Shashi Gupta found about me... But haha... He can't do anything... What if few plans of mine doesn't taste the success, it wasn't an end. Failures are stepping stones for success... yes, I can... I can taste the success... This time the target will be Arnav Singh Raizada not that dump Anjali. Afterall the opponent should be equal to competitor only then the victory holds value. Let's see how the great ASR going to escape from my clutches. I'll make him touch my feet like I did by accident now" Shyam snarled self assuring and burning himself.

"Khushiji be ready to become mine, afterall our path is going to be clear soon" He scoffed as the memory of Khushi standing in Arnav room glaring at him came in his mind. His fist got automatically clenched.


"Will you trust me if I tell you?" Khushi asked with expectant eyes.

Arnav muscles got tightened, he found himself entering into a dark tunnel which has no end. His shrewd brain connected the dots of Aakash desparateness to stop Khushi from entering into the house, his blabber regarding a harm at their home, his different tone to his Jijaji, khushi's action of few minutes back did alarm something which he didn't dare to decipher or say he know the results as fear took over him.

Aakash looked on these two while bracing himself to calm his brother as he know once what he heard, what the actual truth was out, there'll not be any good things waiting for them ahead. He himself have to keep a tab on his emotions as he only know Shyam is not good as he's potraying.

"I... Khushi I... I trust you" He said it finally after a lot of fumbling. If it was earlier ASR he could've denied outrageously without letting her speak, least she can demand his trust. But now his treacherous wounded heart has taken a seat back paving a way to new feelings enter into him and let to rule his soul.

Khushi released her breath which she holded back unknowingly. She feels as if some heavy weight is taken off from her heart. Her fear and worries vanished in his magical three words. All the time her heart which galloped against her skin has resumed it's normal phase.

"Even if I say your Jijaji was not the way he's showing to you all?" Khushi dropped the first truth eyeing him intently catching his every emotions.

Arnav gaped at her with wide eyes registering her words. He don't know, how much ready he is to move further of her words.

"Even if I say my fiancee name is Shyam Manohar Jha" Her heart pained seeing the varying emotions playing on his face.

The term fiancee did rang a bell on his mind. His memories taken him back to the day when Khushi cried on his shoulder and he asking about her fiancee. There was a distant voice of Anjali chatting about Khushi fiancee name was Shyam, seems came back at his mind at instant. All of sudden he felt hard to breath, all the past memories of his mother suicide replayed making him difficult to stand. The underlying meaning of her words turned into a invisible knife tearing his heart.

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