Chapter 21 *

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Kounna POV

"Hi Daniel!!"I heard Joy's voice suddenly shout

I look to my left to see my seatmate ,Jay panicking

Of course, who wouldn't? Your sister trying to steal your lover.

I sighed and shook my head and rested it on my desk.

I just watched ,amused that Jay and Zoe is fussing about Joy, Joy fussing about Daniel, Daniel fussing about Eli and Eli fussing about Crystal.

What a nice cycle .

I giggled when I saw Crystal making a 'help-me' face.

If you don't know, Crystal and I are actually good friends.


It was lunch time, and as usual ,yes I WAS inside Jay's jacket .

WAS ,because Joy kept moving around because of Daniel and Jay also liked moving around to be with his sister .

Thus ,i kicked Daniel in the side to stay put and now, I'm inside HIS jacket

Happily eating my burger.

I peeked outside sometimes when they weren't looking and saw Joy's jealous stare .

Once ,Joy saw my face and gaped at me but I just giggled and never popped my head out again..

After I finished my burger I got out of the jacket cause it was hot and just sat on Daniel's lap instead .

I drank my juice (with the straw to help me of course) and looked around .

Come on give me some clues comics .

I looked around some more and quickly choked on what I saw .

I saw ...

Logan Lee?!

Wait this is the part where he transfers here?

I looked at Daniel who was still eating cause he didn't know that Logan was there.

I gulped and accidentally choked on my forgotten drink.

*cough* *cough*

I wiped my mouth beneath my mask with my hand and cough some more .

Daniel noticed this and patted my back.

"Are you okay?"I heard him whisper .

I nodded and glanced at Logan's way.

The evil art kid is with him ,you know...his classmate in art class

Suddenly, Zack passed by with Mira .

And the evil art kid ,being evil shoved Zack a little to Logan's way .

It caused one, ONE of Zack's beans to stain Logan's shirt.

"Oh...Sorry sorry."Zack said and talked to Logan

I felt Daniel shift to look at the commotion and I also felt his body stiffen .

I felt his arms go around me and hugged me tight .

Right, I was his teddy bear (Go to the chapter when Daniel got drunk for the first time with the three ducklings.) (only if you don't remember)

Daniel got up and speed walked to the cafeteria exit then slumped down .

He hugged me more tightly ,nearly suffocating me may I add and buried his face on my neck

He was shaking..

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