Chapter 5 *

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(the date is Daniel's bday)
Kounna POV

We were walking home and I was thinking of what gift to give him..

Well Jay's gonna give him a lot of clothes ..

So ...

Ah! I know the perfect...i guess not perfect but great gift!

So I was skipping throughout the way home

Daniel looked confused at me and I just giggled

Then, I finally saw Jay.

He walked towards us and gave us bags.

Wait, he gave me one as well?!

I looked confused .

Daniel on his bag has a 'happy bday' while mine has 'advanced happy bday'

Daniel and Jay were talking ...well, Daniel is talking while Jay was just nodding.

I was so shocked that when Jay left I didn't notice.

My birthday is still not here yet you know!

And ,I have money!


When I opened the bag there are hoodies, shoes, masks and rings?

Like the ones he's wearing

But...he didn't give Daniel these...did he?

I just shrugged it off and looked at the rings

There are a total of 4 rings so I put it on both of my ring fingers and middle fingers

Good for punching.

I then closed the bag and picked it up

I looked at Daniel who was struggling with his so I helped him.

When we placed the bags in his house I went to my place and made my present for him.


I wrapped it in a handkerchief and walked out of the house

I strolled the streets until I got to the convenience store.

Cause...that's where Daniel is..

Cause you know, if I knock on his house there will be no one opening the door since he's working.

So I'll just give it indirectly.

I entered the store and saw him at the counter

He looked shocked when he saw me but he still said 'welcome'

I smiled at him and gave him the gift wrapped in the handkerchief and hid one behind my back.

He looked confused

"Well, I heard that you're Daniel's roommate? Could you perhaps give him this?"

"Huh? Why?"

"'s his birthday yeah."

He looked shocked and teary at me and nodded

I gave him the thing and said

"So, when is your birthday?"

"'s actually today as well..."

I pretended to look shocked

"Oh!good thing I made another one then" I said handing him the other one

"Thank you so much!" he said smiled

I smiled and was about to go home but he stopped me

"Excuse me...but what exactly is in these?"

Sucked into Lookism!!(DISCONTINUED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora