Chapter 20 *

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Kounna POV

I made a copy of Daniel's key and returned it to him

He said thanks and I just nodded

If you're wondering 'Kounna has a key, maybe she'll be the stalker!oh my plot twist!' no! That won't happen.

I need to be sure, that Daniel isn't eating out of ..those...

The dishes that she cleans by licking it ..ugh ...(YOUR AUTHOR IS LITTERALY SHIVERING RIGHT NOW.)

I went home when I saw it was getting dark.

I placed a short black colored wig on my head and removed my mask.

I put on boy clothes and I also put on a cloth around my breast and tightened it.

I put on some glasses and some red contacts then looked at myself in the mirror.

This could pass as a boy right?

I nodded to myself and went outside to go to Daniel's house

If there's any chance that the stalker is there,

Daniel's handsome body, is sleeping.

And Daniel's other body would be working.

So,it's a perfect time to check .

For reassurance , I knocked and shouted in my deep voice

"Brother!Do you live here?"

Then I quickly pressed my ears on the door

My eyes widened when I heard shuffling inside .

I slowly opened the door and stepped inside.

I looked around .

It was clean.

And ...uhhh...The dishes where sparkling ...i think I'm gonna throw up....urghhh....

I splashed water on them ,so it'll be a little clean, but that's all I could do, if stalker lady sees me washing them, she'll be curious to why I was washing 'clean' dishes.

I went near the counter and looked down.

That's her hiding spot

I pretended that I was looking around by moving my legs and sometimes stretching it but I was just looking down .

My heart beat got faster when I saw hands reaching for my feet but immediately was retracted back .

I knew it.

She's here, even though I got the key, I don't know how she got here.

I walked to where Daniel's sleeping body is and pretended to look at him

"Oh, it seems like he's sleeping. I guess I'll come by tomorrow ."I said loud enough for stalker lady to hear.

Then I walked out of the house.

I closed the door and let out a breath.

Okay, the stalker episodes are here.

I need to read back and not forget everything.

I entered my house and locked the door

I didn't bother to change I just grabbed my phone and looked for the stalker episodes so I can trace back what happened .

And how I can change it without the story line changing.


I've read it.

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