Christmas Day!

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Regina's POV
I yawn and my eyes go wide, someone is in my bed with me. I follow the pale arm and I see Emma. "Ahhh" I scream and Emma falls off the bed. I sit up and Emma stand up and rubs the sleepiness out her eyes. "What the hell are you doing in my bed" I ask. "I-i" I groan. "Answer me Emma" she huffs out in anger. "I don't know, I went home last night and went to sleep in my bed, what do you want me to tell you Regina" I roll my eyes and stand up from the bed. "This isn't some joke and you didn't decide to climb into my bed last night" Emma scoffs. "Really Regina, come on" I look at my alarm clock. It's 6:23. "Damn it's early" Emma says yawning. "What day is it" I ask Emma. "Christmas" I groan way to start my Christmas morning.

Emma's POV
She looks perfect and she just woke up! What the actually fuck! Like how! She looks like a goddess in the morning! Six o'clock in the morning may I add!!!

"What should we do" I ask Regina. "I don't know" she says. She throws her hands down and something shines. "Wait come here" Regina gives me a look. I suck my teeth and walk over to her grabbing her hand. "What the hell emma" she says. What the actually fuck, she has a ring- "Why do I have a ring on my finger" I check mine and I have a band. I show her my hand and she grabs my hand. "It doesn't come off" she says. "Yeah okay" I go to take it off and it doesn't. Wait it's not coming off. It's like it's glued or something.

We walk downstairs to get some coffee and I see a note on the coffee table in the living room. "Emma where are you going" Regina asks. I grab the note and bring it to Regina. "To Ms and Ms. Swan" Regina laughs. "So we are married" I ask. "I'm not taking your last name" Regina says.

"Dear Emma and Regina I bet you two are confused and angry. Well you should be. Henry made a wish and it came true you have till New Years to decide if you two will stay together of live happily ever after. And if I was you Regina I would Emma's is super hot. But enjoy" there's not even a signature.

"Are you kidding me" Regina says annoyed. "Moms" henry says. I smile and take the note from Regina. "Merry Christmas" I say faking a smile. He hugs both of us and I kiss his forehead. "Can we eat I'm starving" I nod and I grab Regina's hand after Henry walks away and drag her away from Henry's view. "What are you supposed to do" says Regina. "You saw the note we wait till New Years" I tell her. "I'll make breakfast go distract Henry or something I don't care" Regina says. I smile she's so cute when she's mad.

We sit and eat and then Henry wants to open presents. "Mom these are for you" he hands us two gifts. "What is it" Henry asks. "I don't know kid" I open it and it's a charm that says swan queen. I smile and Regina blushes looking at me. "You guys should wear it, it's cute" henry says.

Apparently "Santa" or whoever made Henry's wish come true had some presents from me to Regina and her to me. Henry went to play games and I'm in the kitchen with Regina. "So what should we do" I ask. "What do you want to do" she says leaning her head back on the wall. "Moms mistletoe" henry says. I look up and there's a mistletoe. "Kiss kiss kiss" henry starts chanting. "Henry" Regina says. I put my finger under her chin guiding her lips to mine. The kiss was short but sweet. She grabs my hand and drags me into her room and the slams the door. "Emma what the-" I put my finger to her lips before kissing her again. I have no idea what came over me but I'm enjoying it.

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