t h i r t y - s i x

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Adam: Just be quiet guys. 

Ryder: You're stupider than I thought. Didn't you think about the fact that she will see us using her x-ray vision? I'm out of here, I don't want to get involved in your insanity.  

Adam: Jake, don't bother, just let him go. Be quiet so we can hear them. We don't want her to think that we are outside her apartment. 

"Barry, stop being so lazy," I say. "I flew you all the way here, not to laze around, but to actually do something."

"I just want to sleep," he says sluggishly. 

"Fine, I'll call Iris and tell maybe she can talk some sense into you," I say and walk over to the phone. "Hey, Iris, it's Kara." 

"Hey, Kara, what's up?"

"Do you want to come over? Barry's here," I say. 

"Sure. I'll be over in about an hour or so," she says and hangs up.

"Barry, Iris will be coming over soon, so why don't you go wash up," I say. 

"I'm fine, Kara, I promise. Iris won't mind me being all lazy, she'll probably find it sexy," he smirks.

"Okay, then," I say. 

"This may be a little personal but have you ever been in a relationship that hasn't ended well? Cause, well, Iris was like my sister when we were growing up and now we are engaged," he says. 

"Yes, I have been in a relationship that didn't go how I thought it would. Only one. The rest were pretty good. To be honest, I'm the one that ended all of the relationships that I've been in," I say. 

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah, first there was Winn who admitted that he liked me, but I rejected him. Then there was Adam. I broke up with him because I couldn't deal with the pressure of being Supergirl and having to keep it a secret. Then James. I broke up with him because I chose to be Supergirl over having a relationship. In all of these three relationships, Winn and James knew I was Supergirl, so I could be normal around them. I always had to cancel on Adam or leave early because something or the other came up. And then I was kidnapped by my evil twin that Maxwell Lord created to kill me. Other than Winn, James and everyone at the DEO, Ms. Grant was the only person I could talk to, as Kara and Supergirl."


"With, Mon-El, it's different. He knows what it's like to lose your entire world and be placed in a new one. When he came here, he was helpless, just like me. It's easy being around him and talking to him. We should be enemies, really speaking. He's Mon-El, the prince of Daxam, and I'm Kara Zor-El of Krypton. Our planets always were at war with each other. But the times we spent together, it changed things. I didn't see him as the frat-boy he was known to be but a boy looking for a fresh start, which is what I learned when I was stuck with you in that fantasy by Blaine's doppelganger."

"It would be so cool to meet my doppelganger, Sebastien Smythe right?"

"Yup. He was part of a boy's choir, the Warblers, remember I told you?"

"Yeah, I forgot. But it's coming back to me now," he rubs his eyes. 

"So the relationship that didn't work out was with?"

"Oh, right. That was when I was young. You know Jake, right? Ryder's friend? Him. I don't have good taste in men," I say. "Jake and then Mon-El."

"What's wrong with Mon-El?"

"Nothing's wrong with him, but when I was on Krypton, I knew him as the frat boy of the universe," I laugh.

"So what happened between you two? I mean, Jake and you?"

"He cheated on me because he knew I wasn't ready to take the next step in our relationship. He was the first guy I ever dated."

"You have a very complicated dating history," he says with a small laugh. 

"Yeah, I do. But that's all in the past. Marley Rose is dead, which is what I told them. So if they ask, you don't know a Marley Rose, okay?"

"Yes, sir," he salutes. 

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