t w e l v e

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I open my eyes and adjust it to my surroundings. 

I look over my shoulder and see Mon-El sleeping. 

I get up and quickly take a shower and get dressed for the day. Man, my head hurts. How did I even get so drunk, I don't get drunk. 

As I make pancakes, Mon-El walks over. "Morning," he says and kisses me. I kiss back. 

"Morning," I say. 

"How did you sleep?" He asks me. 

"I think I slept okay. I do have a bone to pick with you," I say. 

"That doesn't sound too good," Mon-El says. 

"I am never listening to you again, okay, I have never gotten drunk before, do you know that? I don't even remember most of last night, except that I laughed a lot. how can you even get so drunk?"

"It's not that hard. You have to learn to control it, it won't happen again, sorry," he apologizes. 

I smile and kiss his cheek and his pout turns into a big smile. 

"Come on, I have to get to work," I say. "Will you join or should I head out?"

"You can go, I'll stay here, eat, get ready and come by for lunch?" He asks. 

"Yup, see you soon," I peck him on the lips and leave for Catco. 

Artie: Do you think we should tell Kara that we know Mon-El or Mike, or whatever his name is, is an alien?

Ryder: We can't because then she'll ask how we know and what are we gonna say? We followed them to an alien bar and heard her say his real name?

Jake: The thing is, she knows he's an alien, yet she's still dating him. Do you think she'll be safe with him?

Ryder: You're right, we'll have to confront her about her boyfriend soon, maybe catch them off guard. If they go out to lunch, we can find out where they are going and then pretend as if we heard what they were talking about and then confront her if he gets up. I know it's a long shot but it could work. What do you guys think?

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