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"What was all that about?" Ryder asks walking towards us. 

"Oh, nothing much, just letting me know to take care of you and your friends," I say. 

"Um, Kara, I have a question for you if you don't mind," Ryder says. 

"Sure," I say with confidence. 

"Um, you look really familiar, do we know each other, have you ever been to Lima?"

"Lima? Yeah, Ms. Grant mentioned that you're from Lima. Yes, I actually had a friend in Lima, Marley Rose. I haven't heard from her in a really long time," I say casually. 

"Oh my god, that's why you look so familiar," Jake says. 

"Excuse me? I'm not sure what you mean," I say. 

"You look a lot like our Marley," Kitty butts in. 

"You think I look like Marley. Okay, now that's wierd," I say. "So, is there anything specific you guys would like to do, if so just let me know so that I can book it," I say. 

They all nod in response. My phone starts to ring on my desk. I go to pick it up, "excuse me for a second, I have to take this," I say and move a little ways away from the group, but I'm pretty sure they can still hear me. 

"Alex, what's up?" I say. 

"Kara, there's been a list of missing people in National City. Again. Do you think it has something to do with Maldoria?"

"I blew that portal up, Alex, don't you remember?" I whisper so nobody can hear me. Mon-El walks towards me as I speak. 

"Everything okay?" He asks. I just nod. 

"Okay, can you just send me the list of names and any information Maggie can get? Mike and I will look into it tonight," I say to Alex. I hang up the phone and walk back to the gang. 

"Is everything okay, Kara?" Ryder asks with concern. 

"Yup, don't worry about it, just work stuff. Anyways, what do you guys want to do?"

"You said that you had contacts who now Supergirl, can we meet them?" Artie asks. 

I look at Mon-El. "Um, let me see what I can do. I'll find James. Mike, can you keep them company until then?" he just nods. 

I run to James' office. 

"James!" I say. 

"Hey, Kara," he says. 

"I came for two things. First, Ms. Grant has gone out and she left you in charge. Second, remember Ms. Grant's son, Ryder, who came today with his friends, in other words, my old friends?"


"Well, they have questions they want to ask you about Supergirl," I say with a smirk. 

He just smiles. "Well, it would be my pleasure," he says while walking with me to Ms. Grant's office. 

"Thanks, James," I say. "Mon-El and I have some work we have to do in the DEO, do you think you could keep the gang out of trouble and stay with them for a while, while Mon-El and I deal with work? Only for like an hour and I'll be back," I request, making my pouty face. 

"Ugh, all right, but only because you know I can't resist that pout of yours, I think it's another one of your powers. It should be," he says. We both laugh and eventually get to Ryder and the others. 

"Guys, this is James Olsen. James, this is Ryder, Ms. Grant's son, and these are his friends, Kitty, Jake, Artie, and Unique," I say with a smile while introducing everyone. 

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