Smaug Unleashed

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Myra P.O.V

All of us were anxiously waiting for Bilbo to return. I started pacing the area as Thorin tried to calm me. However, it didn't help at all. Soon the unthinkable happened. The hall glowed orange and Bilbo screamed a bit.

"Bilbo!" I screamed, " Come on, we have to help him." I commanded as I walked to the entrance. Thorin caught my arm, stopping me halfway. He gave me a stoic stare to convey his thoughts.

"What about Bilbo?" Ori asked

"Give him more time." Thorin replied with dead eyes. I finally realised that he was sick and let loose a single tear.

"More time to do what? Be killed?!" Balin challenged

"You're afraid." Thorin retorted

"Yes, I am afraid. I, even Myra, fear for you. A sickness lies upon that treasure horde. A sickness which drove your grandfather mad." Balin reminded him

"Thorin, I know you think that you're stronger than him. But please listen to us for even the strongest can fall to temptation and power. I already lost my uncle and brother to this illness. I will not lose my husband too." I pleaded as tears ran down my face

"Myra, you will never have to fear that. I am neither of them. Besides, I have you to keep me in line." Thorin assured me but the haze still remained in his eyes

"You're not yourself. The Thorin I know and married would not hesistate to go in there..." I argued before being cut off

"I will not risk this quest for the life of one...burglar." Thorin answered which shocked all of us

"Bilbo. His name is Bilbo." Balin yelled

"If you will not help him then I will. With or without you!" I growled as I yanked my arm away. "Come on men, lets get Bilbo back." I ordered them as I ran into the chamber. I nearly ran into Bilbo as he rounded the corner.

"Bilbo! I feared the worst." I said as I hugged him

"Myra, we need to get out. Smaug wants Thorin to fall ill. He cannot stay here. No one should." Bilbo warned me

"I know but I'm afraid its too late. He's already sick. Whatever you do don't give him that bloody stone. Come on lets go." I whispered as I dragged him out back to the hall. We ran into Thorin as we reached the upper levels.

"You're both alive." Thorin said relieved. However, I still saw the greed in his eyes and remained with Bilbo.

"Not for much longer." Bilbo reminded him

"Did you find the Arkenstone? The Arkenstone. Did you find it?" Thorin repeatedly asked despite our warnings about the dragon

"No, we have to get out." Bilbo replied as we both started to walk to the exit. Thorin blocked our path with his sword, indicating how far gone he was. I could never hurt him but grabbed my daggers to disarm him.

"Thorin. Thorin." Bilbo pleaded as Thorin turned his blade on him. I knew that I had to act fast.

"Thorin, drop the blade now. Bilbo is your friend." I menacingly commanded as I twisted his arm and lightly held a knife to his throat. Smaug began to stalk us just as the rest of the company joined us. I immediately released him and pointed my weapons at Smaug.

We raced out of the room as his chest lit up. He shortly released his fire which engulfed the entire room. Thorin pushed me into the hallways and shielded me from the encroaching flames. He grunted in agony as his back was signed a bit. I put both my hands on his back and muttered a quick healing spell. He gave me a quick loving look as we ran out holding each other.

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