Laketown- night before (tiny smut)

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Myra P.O.V

The Master of Laketown treated us to a fine meal after arresting us. Everyone was happy to have a belly of food. I stuck close to Thorin since the Master constantly tried to flirt with me. Thankfully, he stopped once Thorin sent him a glare. I loved my protective husband and enjoyed dancing with him. We went to our room early since we had a full day ahead of us. We began to undress but I needed some help with my corset.

*Smut Starts here*

"agh, Thorin can you help me with my corset please? I must have injured my shoulder in Mirkwood." I asked as I removed my daggers and cuffs

"Of course. You must have twisted it a bit." He replied as I felt it come off. "Maybe I can help?" He huskily asked before kissing my shoulder blades. I moaned a bit and give him a backward kiss.

He began to hungrily kiss me as his tongue dominated mine. His hands began to roam my stomach as one went to cup a breast while the other slowly snaked down. He began to slowly rub my clit which elicited numerous moans. I started to yank on his hair as the pleasure began to build. He snuck in a few fingers while still making circles in retaliation. My moans became loud as I was now shouting his name. However, he stopped right before I felt ready to go.

"We're going to do this properly." Thorin commanded as his eyes were dark with lust

"As you wish my king." I replied before jumping into his arms. He caught me and carried me to the bed, without breaking our kiss.

He softly dropped me on the bed and began kissing my neck, leaving a mark. I started to grind against him as I continued moaning. Thorin grinded back as he kissed toward my breasts. He softly sucked each nipple which drove me crazy. I began to get a bit impatient and moved his head down a bit. He grinned and complied but held my hands in place as punishment. He planted kisses down to my waist before tugging my trousers and panties off in one movement.

He took his sweet time to torture me. He kissed from my ankles to the sides of my lips before diving between my legs. He sucked on my clit for a while before going inside me. I felt his tongue go deep inside me which caused me to tightly grip the sheets. I began shouting his name as I held his head. I felt my insides twist as I approached my climax. However, he stopped right before I could which made me frown.

He grinned wide which confused me. While I was distracted, he pushed into me as we both groaned pleasurably. He began to slowly pull in and out before picking up the pace. I wrapped my legs around his waist when he started to go faster. With the new angle, he went deeper into me, increasing our pleasure. My moans intensified when he started to suck my breasts as his thrust became sloppy. He quickly began to shout my name as I was speechless. We reached our climaxes at the same time which was exhilarating. I loved seeing him lose it as his cheeks became red and his eyes rolled back while throwing his head back. He loved resting on my chest once he was spent. I loved it too since I could play with his long hair as a lullaby.

*end of smut*

We were sleeping peacefully on our sides. Thorin was closest to the door while I was close to the covered window. The curtains were thick so no one could see into our room or track our movements. Thorin was cuddling me with his arms wrapped around my waist and his head in the crook of my neck. I loved feeling him against me as I rubbed his arms. I was sleeping peacefully until I felt nauseous. I gingerly lifted his arms off of me to put on my robe. I felt myself heave a bit and raced to the toilet. I got to it in time to throw up and didn't get anything on me. I slumped against the wall as my stomach felt terrible.

I freshened up a bit and changed into some loose clothes. I put my cloak on since the house was drafty. Thankfully, Thorin was still blissfully asleep. I tiptoed my way to Balin, Bofur, and Dwalin's room. I woke Balin up first and he helped me keep the others quiet.

"I need someone to examine me. I woke up just now throwing up. I've never done this in the morning. It must be something that I ate." I told them which shocked all of them

"Right lassie. We can run a simple test. We just need a small bit of blood. Bofur get the vial." Balin said as Bofur quickly went to retrieve some tube. He put in an assortment of clear liquids before handing it to Balin.

Balin pricked my finger and let a few droplets fall in. He shook the vial and let it settle for a few moments. The tube changed from red due to my blood to purple. Everyone's eyes went wide which worried me.

"What does the colour change mean?" I asked

"Everything is fine. It's actually great news. You're with child hence why it changed purple. You're probably 2 weeks along since it wasn't blue or pink. It's too early to determine the gender. Congratulations, your highness." Balin explained which made my jaw drop

"Congrats, when will you tell Thorin?" Bofur said

"I don't know. If I tell him now, he'll stop everything. I can't let him give up everything. He's been waiting to come home for so long, all of you have. I'll just need to take things slow."I replied before asking for a favour, "I'll need some extra protection though. Just make it subtle please?"

"We'll always protect you. Don't worry no one is going to get to you or the heir. You have my word on behalf of the entire company." Dwalin swore before kneeling before me. Balin and Bofur followed suit as the sunrise arose

"Thank you , all of you. I know that I'm in good hands." I replied before bowing a bit, allowing them to stand. I left and began to make my way to my room. I snuck in and quickly threw my clothes back in their original place. I went into the restroom for a bit to splash water onto my face.

"Your father and I love you so much my little one. Could you have picked a better time though? Don't worry mummy, daddy, your uncles and cousins won't let the dragon hurt you. I promise." I whispered as I rubbed my stomach. I quickly got back into bed and placed Thorin's arms around my waist, a little on my stomach.

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