Escaping Mirkwood

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Myra P.O.V

After Thranduil's attack, Legolas and Tauriel never left my side. The guards were shocked by his actions but revered me more than him. I was heavily protected and he was kept extremely far from me. Legolas and Tauriel unconditionally agreed that I needed to leave immediately. They would help me escape the outskirts of the woods. The festival would provide the perfect opportunity for me to slip out. Bilbo managed to sneak in and found my room as we were planing.

We explained to him the threat from my uncle which shocked him due to the revelation and his actions. Bilbo offered to help free the dwarves by swiping the keys. For our escape plan, Bilbo would lead the dwarves to the dock while Legolas and Tauriel would escort me to the outskirts. We would meet downstream of Mirkwood before the river emptied into the lake. With our plans set, we set them in action. To void suspicion, Tauriel would return to the dungeons while Legolas and I went to the library. Now, we just had to wait for the alarm to be raised.

Bilbo P.O.V

I was stunned when Myra told me that Thranduil was her uncle. The most shocking bit was when he tried to kill her. The attack made sense when she mentioned his unnatural hatred for the dwarves but I felt that there was more to it. Myra and Legolas helped sneak me as close to the guard room as possible before going their seperate ways. I used the ring to turn invisble and grab the keys once the guards left to join in the festivities. With they keys, I went to the dungeons to free everyone.

Before we left the cells, Thorin pulled me aside to ask about Myra. I assured him that she was fine and would be escorted to us by her cousin and his friend Tauriel. With that information, Thorin moved on and helped control the men. Everyone fit into the drums and i pulled the lever to drop them into the water below. However, I forgot to count the amount of barrels and left myself stranded. Tauriel was on her way back and would have to capture me if I was found. I began to hit the floor boards and accidently activated the platform. I was sent backwards into the water and was pulled to one of the barrels.

Thorin P.O.V

Bilbo dropped us into a canal which he said would carry us downstream. We began to swim forward once he rejoined us. The canal dropped us down into the river which had a strong current. I tried to look around for Myra but didn't see her anywhere. The gates were sealed just as we reached the end. I thought we were captured when Orcs began to swarm the area. We had to fight once more for our lives being trapped. Kili went to open the gates but was shot in the leg. He fell down in pain and was about to be killed by an orc when an arrow flew into its head. I looked ahead and saw Myra alongside her cousin and Tauriel fighting the orcs.

The three of them worked in harmony and were swift as they used their bows for long range. They switched to their swords once the orcs got within arms reach. Myra moved quickly and dodged their grapples. She moved between them with ease to slice their stomachs before back stabbing them. She was making some progress towards us, as she focused on Kili. Legolas followed closely behind her to protect her and was continuously firing arrows.

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