Chapter 14: The Price I Pay

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"No." I whispered dropping to my knees, my eye filled with tears.

"No!" I screamed. I ran to his side, and put my hand on his chest. At first I felt nothing, Then a heart beat, and a breath. He was alive, but dying slowly. I gently pulled off his shirt, as not to get in the way of the healing. 

I quickly uttered some words and the wounds began to close. When they were closed, I put my hand on his chest again. Nothing, then one little breath.

"Daylon, I won't let you die on me. You're the only good thing left in my life. If this is the price, I won't pay it, I simply won't." I said starting to bawl. 

"Kyi..." Daylon whispered.

"Yes, Daylon? I'm here, I won't ever leave." I said grabbing his hand tightly.

"I... love... you..." He said then let out one last breath. His body went completely limp. 

"No!" I screamed. I searched for something, anything I could do. Then I got an idea.

"The only way to stop death from taking someone, is to make them deathless." I said sitting up. Turned and put my hand out towards my great grandma's book and it floated right into my hand. I turned it to the spell I wanted. The spell of immortality. 

"I'll need something with alot of power." I said to myself.

I looked for something, that's when something caught my eye. My necklace. It was glowing with a bright pink light.

"That'll do." I said put out my hand. It flew from the night stand and into my hand. I slipped the necklace around Daylon's neck. It began to glow brighter. The book hovered over Daylon, ready to cast the spell. 

"Thanatos repelia fortos immortalia." I said my voice echoing like I was in a cave. 

The book suddenly was surrounded by a brilliant blue light. The light formed an orb of energy around the book. Then little wisps of blue light fell on to Daylon. When wisps stopped, a single beam of blue light came from the book and hit the necklace. The room erupted on brilliant white light.

When the light died, Daylon sat there still not moving, the book still hovering over him. Then the book shut, and fell right on top of him. His eyes shot open, and he let out all the air in his lungs. 

I smiled, my eye still filled with tears, only these were tears of joy. I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly. He smiled and hugged me back. 

"So, what exactly did you do to me?" He asked still hugging me. I opened my mouth to answer but someone else beat me to it.

"He took you mortality." Someone said from the doorway. We both turned to see my mom standing on the doorway, looking really angry.

"Kyi, why did you do that? You know lots of healing spells, you didn't have to take his mortality?" She asked crossly.

"He was to far gone. I none of the healing spells I know are strong enough to save someone that far gone. If I hadn't taken his mortality, he would have died." I argued.

"You should have let him died. Death would have been better." She spat.

"No, you're wrong. I have already lost so much, I will not lose Daylon. The last thing I need is another funeral." I said angrily.

My mom sigh then smiled. She turned and left us alone. 

"So, I can't die?" Daylon asked. 

"Yep, anything that happens to you will almost instantly heal." I replied.

"You're amazing," He said pulling me close and kissing me. 

"You are more so," I said pulling away and smiling. He pulled me in again and kissed me more.

This is why I couldn't let him die, because I loved him too much.



Hey, only one more chapter. I'm thinking about making a sequel. What do you guys think. If this book does good, I will make a sequel. It's all up to you, if you think I should make a sequel, than tell me. If I am going to write a sequel, it  probably won't be for a couple months, just a heads up.

Anyway, I really enjoyed writing this book, I hope you enjoyed reading it. Please tell me what you think.

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