Kyle & William

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This is the final chapter of this story. Thank you for coming along for the ride, and leaving me your kind comments. I hope to be better next time around!

There is a moment of unprotected sex, but I know you all know to use a condom to be safe.

Changing POV



I stood, silently at my parent's grave unsure of how to grieve the loss of parents I once loved. They had become so distant and hateful, because they could not accept their gay son. Now the pain and regret and loss twisted up inside of me and settled into a knot in the pit of my stomach. A silent rain had begun, lending a sinister air to the cemetery. I barely felt the hands clapping my shoulder or heard the words of sympathy, as friends, and mourners filed away from their gravesite.

It was not fair that this was happening. I sucked in the crisp cold air and watched it wisp in a cloud as I breathed out. The ache, the emptiness I felt was still there. It loomed, threatening and undeniable. I lifted my head upward and let the rain slice across my face, the cold drops mixed in with my tears until I tasted their saltiness on my lips. When I looked down again, I caught a movement between the trees amongst the headstones.

William. I blinked rapidly to clear my vision. He was walking towards me now. The rain parted like a curtain bringing him into focus. My head filled with the pounding of my heart drumming out all sound. William. I reached my hands out to him. I felt myself stagger in his direction, mouthing his name. William, William, William. He caught me before I fell to the ground. 

I don't know how long we sat like that, in the graveyard, in the steely rain.

"I'm here Kyle." He soothed. "Let it go, you can let go, I'm here." 

I let William hold me until the storm of tears and grief had passed. He would understand without judgment why I was crying. I mourned the loss of my parents, but only because that loss meant that I was free of their shadow. It was relief and freedom that I felt. I was honestly quite happy that I could live my life without trying to prove my worth yet falling short in their eyes. Did I love them? Yes, they were after all my parents. But I would always mourn the people I thought they could be. We were both soaked by the time I felt in control. I looked at William, questions swarming in my head. I needed answers, but now wasn't the time. 

"C'mon Kyle." He said pulling me up. I let myself be led away from the cemetery. The ride to my parent's house was spent in silence. When we pulled into the drive there were still people at the house. I was not up to accepting condolences. I looked wildly at William. He put his hand reassuringly on my arm and squeezed. We read each other perfectly.

"I'll take care of it. You go straight to your room, put some dry clothes on, and get in bed." 

I nodded. I wanted to fight him. I didn't want him taking care of me, telling me what to do. I didn't want it to be him that I needed. Later, I decided. I will deal with him later. 

Sleep was long in coming even though I was exhausted. The house sounded quiet, so I made my way downstairs. William was at the kitchen counter surrounded by mountains of donated food. I watched him work. He had obviously kept his training up despite not being able to play. His body was sinewy and muscular. The grey t-shirt he had changed into clung to him like a second skin. He was gorgeous and still sexy as hell. I felt the beginnings of betrayal in my groin as my wayward thoughts stirred it to life. Yeah, there would be none of that. I cleared my throat loudly and walked over to where he stood. 

"Why do people always bring food to a funeral?" I asked making a show of peering into the packages. 

William shrugged. "It's a comfort thing." 

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