Kyle & William

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"I'm not sorry about what happened, Will. I acted stupidly. I should have told you that I loved you too and that I was also gay. When I told my parents, we could have been scared together. You made me feel amazing and I messed that all up." Kyle held my face in his hands. "Even though I don't deserve it Will, can you forgive me?"

I looked at the boy I had loved my entire life and damn it he was cute.. He was here now, saying everything I wanted to hear. "Kyle." I whispered, bringing my face closer to his. I savored the hopeful loving look in his eyes and then kissed him. We kissed with all the passion and longing we could muster, trying to make up for lost time.



We drove to the party later that night. I was busy catching up with all of our friends, but I was acutely aware of Kyle in the room. We were both trying to act normal, like nothing had happened earlier. But every time I lifted my eyes I would catch his gaze. He would look away, but not before I caught the reflection of my feelings in his eyes. It was going to be a long night. Then I had another more serious thought. We were not out to our friends, at least I wasn't, and I did not want this to be the way it happened. I broke off the conversation I was having and sidled up to Kyle. 

"You wanna get out of here?" He raised his eyebrow. "Kyle the way you keep looking at me, I think we would be better off at home." 

Kyle gave me a knowing smirk. "That obvious huh?" But he nodded, and we made our way out stopping to say bye to Justice, Irish, and Shane. 

"Noo, c'mon, already?" That was Justice, who looked over at Kyle and then back at me. "Oh, you mean." He looked at Kyle again who nodded at him this time. "Ohhh, that's how it is. Have a nice night boys." This he said wiggling his eyebrows and saluting us with a laugh. 

I was beet red, glad for the cover of night to hide my embarrassment. "They know?" I asked Kyle, already knowing the answer. 

"They know." 

We made it to my house, made small talk with my dad, who gave me the 'when did this happen' look. Later still, we settled into my bed fully clothed, and fell into a heavy make out session.


"Hmmm." I tried to grab his tasty lips again, and started when I felt his hand on my crotch but I moaned in pleasure. "Ummm." I held my head back to give access to my bare neck. He licked, sucked and kissed me. Kyle pushed my shirt up and over my head. My body reacted with little thrusts, every where he placed his lips and hands. 

We pulled our clothes off in unspoken tandem. The air was thick and prickled with anticipation. I was ready for what was going to happen and Kyle looked at me with certainty. I reached into my desk draw and pulled out the condoms and lube I had there. He took them from me, leaned over and kissed me reassuringly. Never mind that I was sure none of us had done this before, I decided to trust Kyle. I was also distracted by the fact that his naked skin was scorching mine everywhere it made contact. He kissed every bit of my skin, leaving hot scorched trails in his wake. My mind reeled when he laved his tongue down my thighs, deliberately avoiding my panting dick. 

"Kyle, are we going to do this or are you planning on..." I never finished that sentence as his mouth swallowed me whole and spat me out in one move. 

"I have wanted to do this for so long Will." He brought himself up to face level, and his eyes pierced into mine. "I want you Will, but I want you to be sure." He ground his hips into mine with a smirk. 

I nodded eagerly, obligingly let Kyle roll me over onto my stomach. Sighing in acquiesce as he peppered kisses accross my shoulders. I winced, feeling the cold wet lube in between my ass. Kyle was gentle and torturously methodic in his ministrations. Preparing me for his dick, making sure I was comfortable and ready for him. He kissed my back softly before whispering.

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