Kyle & William

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Kyle was my best friend. He lived next door and our whole lives until HS graduation we were inseparable. We got into all kinds of trouble together nothing serious, but I think we managed between us, to age our parents quicker than they would have on their own. 

Kyle was a skinny, dirty blond, green eyed kid who in the ninth grade shot up to 6ft, in what seemed like overnight. He grew muscles that popped every where and developed a charm which became my undoing. Girls all of a sudden took notice and Kyle did not disappoint. He was never without a girl, but never kept one for too long. 

I was no slouch in the looks department either. I had always been tall at 6'1", Kyle just caught up. Where he was fair skinned, I was darker and had brown wavy hair and blue eyes. I was slim, my muscles developed naturally through sports. I have no doubt that if I stopped playing sports or working out I would become a limp lanky pole. Where Kyle and I differed was very obvious to me, but to everyone else at school and especially Kyle I was the typical skirt loving jock. 

I knew from a very early age I was different. When we were ten, Kyle jumped naked into his pool. The image of his pale ass outlined against his tan body, and the glimpse of his dangling penis haunted me for weeks. I would go to sleep thinking about it and pulling at my own dick till I was sore. I finally broke down and told my older brother who laid it out plainly for me. Needless to say I was even more confused and even a bit disgusted. Somewhere deep down I knew he was right. I was gay. It took me another year to finally come to terms with it and come out to my dad.

By then I was totally head over heels crushing on my best friend. Every girl he obsessed about drove a stake in my heart. I played the part of supporting best friend, secretly happy when they broke up for one reason or another. The questions about my non interest in dating girls were stunted because I joined every club that would not interfere with my sports schedule. That kept me pretty busy and no time to date. Of course I had the occasional girl for date night, or school dances, but they always knew it would go nowhere. High school girls were mostly just happy to be seen with the popular jocks. I was tormented though, keeping whom I was from Kyle, watching him kiss a girl, hold hands or dance. I wanted it to be me so badly. 

This continued through our final year of high school. I played it straight as they say, not willing to risk my friendship with Kyle. That bond we had only grew. There was almost nothing we didn't tell each other. I knew that no matter what, we would always be in each other's lives. The one thing I dreaded hearing about never happened. In spite of the long list of girls, he was still a virgin. I don't know what I interpreted that to mean, but it led me to do the one thing that I thought I would never have the courage to do.

After graduation, two days before I left for my study year abroad, Kyle and I spent the day in my bedroom battling zombies on the Wii. It was typical. We were both shirtless, elbows and knees jamming each other as we jerked about maneuvering the controllers. The obscure touches were driving me mad and inevitably round one went to him. I threw my controller on the floor and lay back on my bed. Kyle followed suit. He turned his head to stare at me and we lay like that for a minute before he broke the spell. 

"So, are you scared? I mean a whole year away."

"Nah." I answered. "Well maybe just a little. But I am excited too." 

He rolled his head away and stared up at the ceiling 

"I'm going to miss you." He sounded sad, but he punched me in the arm and sat up on the bed. "You have to promise to tell me what the chicks are like over there." 

I closed my eyes, determined to tell him once and for all. 

"I don't think so Kyle." I sat up sitting like he was, facing each other. 

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