Map girl

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he needs her
she needs him
but both don't know


the whole  ride i was only thinking about one thing .. i'm going to meet him .. i will make sure to

" okay where is the hell every one .. or we got lost ?! " this was Bella's voice , i don't have any idea about where is everyone ..  i'm pretty sure that this was the place , and we are in the same park lot so where's every one. ?

" listen it's only 12:30 i mean for a party or whatever you want us to go it can't be over or you are want us to go to a place that everyone in it is a chickens who sleep early  "

" Bella stope...!!  i know the place but i don't know where is every one? just give me a sec " i said

" what are you doing ? " Bella asked me when i got my phone and opened find my iPhone app

" i am searching about jessie's place .. thas where that party is " i said and i can see the proud look in her face

" i didn't know that u can be a little bitch sometimes "

" shut up Bella .. let's get into the car , i found the place " i said and we went to the car

" okay wait what if she is in someone's home or something like that .. you know we can't let in without some one know us in there " Bella said she was reading my mind i thought about that too

" all i know that we got ready to have fun okay .. so let's just give it a try " i said and winked

" okay okay .. Sarah i don't know who are you right now .. where is my little nerd girl ? " she said and both of us started to laugh  ..

after 15 mins we arrived .. and i can tell this place is more disgusting than the other one ..

" WTF , Sarah .. Is you sister in her ? how she knew places like that ? "

" trust me i don't have any idea .. let's search about her " i said and started to walk and looking at every  persons i see .. they all looked the same

after a little while i finally saw her with .. i really can't remember his name

" there she is " Bella said .. and we started to walk in her way .. but

everyone started to shout and scream very loud .. it made me have a headache for a secs ..

i looked at Bella she was triffid too and all the people started to walk in .. in our fucking way

" Sarah what is happening ? " before i can answer her i felt like there's some one hold my hands throwing me to a place that i don't know but every one was shouting together .. shouting something i didn't hear it clear .. i couldn't see Bella  .. and still there's someone's hand leading me to unknown place ..

but right now i started to feel more than one hand pushing me , and i just can't

after a little while from fighting and screaming with everyone that is touching me i finally feel the air .. but i was in a stage .. with other girls
wearing things that shows more than it covers .. i can see everyone  from her .. a lot of  people

i can see Bella with Jessie, a boy , the rude girl and him i can see Him Thomas

i stoped breathing for a moment i didn't even care about what was happening around me .. or why the hell i'm into the stage . i just stared at his and he stared at mine .. which made it more  magical , i can't look away all i'm thinking about why he is looking back at me .. why he can't just look a way and let me go off his jail
after a while from staring i saw him raise his hand .. but he still looking into my eyes

i went down to earth again when i heard every one started to scream again .. what's their problem with screaming .. the girls that were with me on stage they went with guys into ... into a car !!! if they are going to get into a car why i was with them ?

all my thoughts answered when i saw Thomas coming in my way with Jessie

" i think you are my map girl for tonight " i heard Thomas saying .. it was my first time to hear his voice in real life .. not in phone

" don't forget what i said Thomas .. i can't believe that  you did that .. you are going to lose .. " the rude girl said rolling her eyes and then looked at me from up to down

" do you even know what you are going to do little angle?  " the same girl asked but all i can do is imagining my self  putting her head into the hot oil

" look at me Sarah " my sister said and took me from my shoulder .. why i feel like i'm a little goat who can't understand anything but still listening

" i will say it as fast as i can .. you are going to be Thomas map girl , thas mean you will be with him in the car .. Thomas don't know the directions .. only you who can tell him by a little map in your hand.. " she said and i didn't even make any reaction in my face .. like what the f*ck is she even talking about ??

Me , Thomas .. alone in the car .. with only  a map

before Jessie can finish what she said the man who has the flag started to shout that the race is going to start after 2 mins

Thomas took me from my hand like a real goat .. and made his way to the car

jessie is still running beside me 

" Open it and try to find the fast way to the Exit okay .. i hope you good luck " she said when we arrived to the .. CAR

OKAY.. i said i want a different night but that doesn't mean  that i should end my lifetoo ..

" i'm Thomas .. yeah yeah the one who closed the line in your face " he said when we get into the car and i was finding the seatbelt .. i looked at him .. he don't have only a mystery eyes he have a perfect smile to

"where's the seatbelt?" i asked and my hand still searching for it

he just laughed 

" here take the map " he said and gave it to me i opened it and i wish i didn't .. ??

" i trust you OKAY ? " he said and looked deep in my eyes .. and all i could do is to only node my  head


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2018 ⏰

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