part 1

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have all ur dreams with out limits ... maybe on of them 'll come true "

closing the book that i finally finished .. i have been reading this book from the past month ever sec ..

the book makes me feel that their is still hope in every thing .. hope in pain .. hope in love .. hope in trust .. it wasn't the greatest book but the story of it was so me .. all the details and actions even the people  feeling alone around friends , feeling alone around my family that how my life was for the past 3 years . Reading book , eat , dream of the book , a little work out this is the routine of my boring life but also deep down i was so afraid of the future well to be honest afraid of my future .  

What i'm going to be ?
Am i will always be alone ?
Do i deserve to be like that ?

lots of feelings that i can't really know where it comes from .. so i can stope it .. i tried but at the end i do always  give up so easily it's like i don't have a real reason for me to live . 

all i know that i'm hoping that one day i'll be what i want to be ......

" what do you want ? " i asked my little sister
when she entered my room like a hungry dog

" listen , i need to go, cover me please " she said

" what the Hell noway .. where are you going to go .. it's 1:30 AM ?? are you crazy " i said and stood up from my chair waving my hands everywhere but trying to shout with low voice

" i really need to, i'll tell you everything when i come back, but right now just let me go "

" Jessie you are 17, i can't let you go in this time " i said it as a sign to let her know that i'm not gonna cover her ,i saw her face change from the lovely cat to the hungry sneak and i was the unlucky mouse

" stope being a pussy and cover me" she said it after she did her best to calm her self down because she knows her self very well . If she didn't calm down she will scream and wake mum and dad .. and Thas not a good point for her plan . 

" if you want to go then go, but i don't have any idea that you are not in your room Jessie " i said and covered my self with my blanket

" fuck you Sarah " she said with her middle finger is up and left my room

That what she always do . Ask me to do stupid things for her and when i say no .. she start to tell me i'm pussy and boring girl .. and her favorite sentence is *i don't know how ur boyfriend will handle your boring mind*
But really i don't care .. i'll choose a person who are like me like what i like so we could be a perfect couple

4:30 AM i'm still awake i have an awkward feeling .. telling me that i should call Jessie

i took my phone started to deal her number ,i called her but there is no answer .. Where she could be ?

after calling her more than 10 times, she finally answered

" where the hell are u? " i said before i could let her say anything

" UMMm i think Jessie is having fun right now .. " a strange voice said .. it was very powerful i can say .. BUT where is my sister what he means by saying she is having fun

"what do u mean ? " i asked but there is no answer...

i pulled my phone .. he closed the line in my face .. !!!!!!

WHAT! i got out of my bed i wore anything i saw in front of me ..

whatever the fun that he is talking about i'm pretty sure that it's not fun at all for my parents ..

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