Chapter Eighteen

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Ik it's been since November I'm sorry I've been really really busy and stressed tf out. But here's a long chapter for ya.
Percy sat in his hospital bed, reading a book while he waited to get released from the hospital. The doctors had been shocked when he had woken up, and he had been Informed they had to run a few more test on him to see if he would be able to leave. Percy hoped he would be able to, as tonight was the full moon and according to his brief conversation with Scott and Stiles this morning, nobody had seen Derek since that night at the school. If Percy wasn't able to help Scott that meant it was up to Stiles, while he had faith in his half brother to figure something out, he knew when push came to shove Stiles would have to run in order not to die. However Percy had assured him to keep his armor just in case the worst would occur.

The door to his hospital room creaked open resulting in Percy looking up from his book, his eyes widening to see Chris Argent, and his sister Kate.

"Mr. Argent," Percy said with a nod, "I wasn't expecting any visitors."
"Well, I told Allison I'd check up on you since the news of you waking up broke early this morning and she had to go to school."
"Uh huh," Percy murmured as he sat his book down and straightened himself up as he glanced towards Kate, "And whose she?"
"My sister, Kate."

"Well as you can see I'm fine," Percy informed them, "A little freaked out but nothing therapy can't help."

"Percy," Kate said lightly, "You faced the killer head on right? Something was off about him wasn't it." Percy felt relief flood his system, they thought he was just a poor kid caught in the cross heirs, they just wanted to see if Percy saw anything.

"I don't know," Percy lied, "I can't remember much between what happened that night between what I experienced in my coma." Kate and Chris shared a look before the female huntress sat on the edge of Percy's bed a fake concerned look written on her face.

"Could you try to explain what you saw, even if it was just your coma throwing your memories off?" Kate asked.
"Well, he was big and strong," Percy shrugged, "Really strong... look I don't know what you want me to say I already gave my statement to the cops this morning."

"Your memory seemed fine then," Mr. Argent stated, "Having second thoughts?" Percy gritted his teeth as his eyes trailed from one hunter to the next before sighing.

"I just told them what seemed right, and not totally crazy," Percy informed them doing his best to convince the hunters of his innocence, "They'd think I was crazy if I told them... well that a nine foot beast with red glowing eyes and hair covering every part of its body is what attacked us that night."

"No, I don't think they'd believe that," Kate said as she gave Chris a look.
"Is there anything else you saw? Or felt?" Mr. Argent asked.
"No,"Percy lied as the claw marks on the back of his neck began to sting, "Nothing."


Stiles nervously sat next to Scott in the locker room as the last practice they had played before a full moon hadn't turned out so well. Scott once again was acting abnormal, and Stiles had a feeling his friend would lose it if the slightest thing went wrong. However, Stiles hoped that maybe that Scott would find lacrosse as something to focus on to steer away from the pending full moon.

"Alright listen up!" Coach Finstock exclaimed as he walked out of his office to talk to his players, "Since Percy is in the hospital and Greenberg passed on pink eye to a few players a few of you are temporary being promoted to first line. Emphasis on temporarily."

Stiles eyes widened as the slight hope of him not sitting bench began to creep into his system. However when coach read off the two first names that weren't his Stiles knew he wasn't going to be picked.

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