Chapter Nine

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Percy awoke the next morning with his phone blaring in his ear, groaning his eyes fluttered awake and he tossed his hand lazily over to his night stand a few times before he retrieved his phone. Through his blurred vision he clicked the green answer button and held the phone up to his ear.

"Percy hey! It's Stiles um we got a problem," Stiles frantic voice came out.
"What type of problem?" Percy asked tiredly.
"Well you see at Derek's last night we found this rope with wolfsbane attached to it, I kept it and it made Scott shift and I stopped my Jeep to throw it out and when I turned back Scott was gone!"

"Stiles, slow down and repeat that I just woke up," Percy groaned not quite understanding what his friend was trying to tell him.
"I... I lost Scott."

"What do you mean you lost Scott?" Percy exclaimed shooting up in his bed completely awake, "He's not a puppy Stiles he's a human being!"

"He's also a werewolf!" Stiles exclaimed defending himself, "He just shifted and bolted out of my car and into the woods I have no clue where he is!"

"Wait he's shifted?" Percy asked, "Did you piss him off?"
"No! Like I said the wolfsbane made him start to hyperventilate and bam werewolf Scott."

"And we just threw the one guy who could help us in jail," Percy sighed out, "Spectacular."
"I know," Stiles responded aggravated, "What should we do?"
Percy didn't respond right away, his mind scrambled to find a solution. The last time Scott shifted he tried to kill someone, which meant that they needed to find him before he hurt someone, or even worse killed someone. His mind went to the full moon, and how he had traced Allison's scent, his eyes widened and he realized that Scott was drawn to her whether he was a wolf or not. Maybe sub consciously she had the ability to help him grasp control, and in his primal instinct he could search for her. Or Percy was completely wrong and Scott was about to kill her, he couldn't be certain.

"Percy?" Stiles asked again.

"Look, you remember the full moon?" Percy asked, "Where Derek and I drew Scott into the woods with Allison's jacket?"
"Yeah why?"
"Could he be going to her again?" Percy asked.

"Oh God," Stiles exclaimed his mind clicking into place, "You mean like show up to the Argents a werewolf?"

"Unfortunately yes that's what I'm implying," Percy informed Stiles frustrated, "Or maybe the alpha but we haven't seen it since he got bit."

"So what do we do?" Stiles asked.

"I hate to say this but I think we should use Allison as bait."
"And how are we going to do that?" Stiles asked.
"She offered to tutor me in English," Percy explained, "I have ADHD and dyslexia, it helps me for when I'm fighting. And my brains hardwired to read Greek not English-,"
"Wait you have ADHD?" Stiles asked
"Yes Stiles I have ADHD like you, that's not what's important!"
"I mean it's kinda important, I've never seen you take medication for it!" Stiles exclaimed.
"Because it helps me when I'm fighting monsters!" Percy cried out frustrated, "And look at the both of us now we can't even focus on a conversation!"

"Right. So she offered to tutor you," Stiles stated going back to the conversation.
"Yes," Percy replied, "If  she's not busy then we can use that to our advantage."
"And if we're wrong about Scott?" Stiles asked.
"Well, then my English grade goes up," Percy sighed running his hand through his bed head, "Keep looking ill keep you updated."

Sighing Percy rose from his bed frustrated, everything was falling apart fast. The Hunters weren't just looking for Werewolf's anymore, they also had their eyes set on him. Meaning his life was in as much jeopardy's as Scott's. Of course he knew that he could pass for a regular human much easier then his newly turned werewolf friend, but it didn't mean that he wouldn't go un noticed.

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