16 - A Brother's Bond

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Fred's eyes opened to the sunlight filling the living room, not realising he'd even closed them in the first place. They were supposed to stay awake in case any news about their mother came, but it seemed as though everyone had failed that task as the other four were all fast asleep in front of him.

He noticed how peaceful Hermione looked when she slept, it was almost unnatural. He had never seen anything like it. Especially comparing to Ginny, who's hair had covered half her face and he mouth was hanging open.

While Ginny was pretty, Fred noticed a certain beauty in Hermione. She didn't have to try to look nice because it just happened. She had never been absorbed in how she looked or came across, just that what she was doing was worthwhile to herself and to the rest of the world. He had never really admired that until now.

His father walked in through the kitchen, removing his glasses and rubbing his eyes. He look awfully exhausted.

"Dad? Is mum okay?" Fred asked, getting up and leaving everyone to sleep.

"Thankfully yes. Although they will be keeping her in for some time," Arthur informed his son.

Fred nodded, relieved with the news. "I can't believe we let this happen. I mean, we all saw it coming didn't we?"

"There's not a lot we could have done, Fred. Your mother's taken Ron's... departure very hard," Arthur told him, struggling through the sentence.

The thought of his mother's condition haunted him now, to the point that he had forgotten all about George and Angelina.

As soon as they had been allowed, they all went to visit her at St. Mungo's.

When they arrived, she was still unconscious but looked less pale. More like she was asleep than passed out.

Fred felt his twin put his arm around his shoulders as they watched their mothers' peaceful form.

"After all the years of pestering and pranking her, I finally feel remorseful for it," George admitted.

"Me too, perhaps at times we went too far?"

"I think so. We'll have to calm it down a little when we visit from now on."

Fred noticed Hermione watching them with sadness in her eyes. The war may have ended two months ago, but it was still having an effect to this day and was still altering the lives of many forever.

She left the ward, and Fred took a step to follow her, but prevented himself going further when he saw Harry follow her. Best not to make a crowd of it, he thought.

"She's still grieving too, you know. Remember that," George said to him.

Fred had barely thought about it. Hermione and Ron had been an item and he was crushing on her. It made him mildly sick to the stomach.

Several days passed while Mrs Weasley was getting treated at St. Mungo's and hence life went on.

Finally came Sunday, the one day that shop was not open for business, and so the twins got the day to themselves.

Fred was cooking bacon sandwiches for the two of them when George entered the kitchen.

"Morning," Fred greeted him.

"Hey, Fred. Uh.. could we talk?" George asked.

This was going to be a serious conversation, Fred could feel it.

"Sure, bro." Fred plated up the sandwiches and levitated them to the table. He took a seat in front of his brother and waited apprehensively.

"Me and Angelina have done some serious thinking about... you know," George began. Fred nodded to show he was listening.

"And, we've come to a decision. We're going to keep the baby."

Fred beamed. "That's amazing, George. I'm so glad."

"I mean, there's only one obvious choice for godfather isn't there?" George smirked.

"Well of course. I'm sure Harry Potter will do a great job since he's already got some experience," Fred joked.

"Exactly. I can't think of anyone who's spent my entire life by my side to take the job so it's got to be him," George smiled.

"I'd be absolutely honoured, mate," Fred grinned, standing up to hug his twin.

"I haven't forgotten, as well. If it's a boy, his name is Fred," George assured him.

"I was joking, you know. But I don't blame you for naming him after you're favourite human ever," Fred said.

George laughed. "There is one more thing," he added, his face straightening again.

"Oh, it's not twins is it?" Fred questioned.

"Now you mention it, I have no clue. But that's not what I wanted to say. The thing is, me and Angelina are going to need some space to start the family. We've briefly looked around, but we will be moving out in the upcoming months to prepare for the baby's arrival," George informed him.

Fred frowned. "Should've seen that coming, to be fair. Not that it'd make it any easier. But I understand," Fred told him.

"It'll be weird. We've never not lived together," George admitted.

"Mum will be chuffed though. I think the thought of being a grandmother will spring her back to life," Fred chuckled.

"It bloody better, I'm running out of surprises."

The twins laughed.

"I have a question," Fred stated, no longer being able to keep in what had been bugging him for days.

"Fire away," George said, finally taking a large bite from his sandwich.

Fred swallowed. "Do you think it's too quick to ask Hermione out?"

"Too quick?"

"As in, after Ron," Fred added.

George pondered this. "I see... Bit of a sticky situation you have there. I'd say talk to her. Let her know how you feel and let her take the lead on it," he suggested.

"Seems reasonable. I don't even know if she, you know... Even likes me," Fred admitted.

"Come on, when has Fred Weasley ever lost his confidence over a girl?" George nudged him.

"I know, I don't get it. There's something about her..."

"Fred, mate. I think you've been hanging around them love potions too much," George chuckled.

The word "love" struck Fred. He had never thought of it in that way. Perhaps that's what it was. He had never felt it before. Evidently not even with Angelina. He wasn't sure he liked it. 


Been a long time, but I've finally finished my A Levels and my freedom to write is here at last! Stick around :) 

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