3 - Common Misconceptions

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Hermione tossed and turned in her bed, images of Ron's lifeless expression sitting in her mind. She remembered their kiss, the first and the last. It had been the happiest moment of her life, yet it was gone instantly.

Her eyes snapped open and she found herself drenched in sweat. Ginny was sitting up in her own bed, watching Hermione. Her worried expression was lit up by the moonlight entering through the window.

"It happened again?" Hermione questioned, not really needing an answer.

She saw Ginny nod. "It's okay. You need a hug?" she offered.

"Yes please," Hermione sighed, her lip trembling. She felt so pathetic.

Ginny stood up and walked over to Hermione's bed, perching herself next to her and holding her tightly.

"I miss him," Hermione sobbed.

"Me too," Ginny quivered. Looks like Hermione had set her off too.

"I think I might get some water. I'll be right back," Hermione said.

She got up and walked to the door, closing it gently behind her, careful not to wake anyone in the house up. She tiptoed down the stairs, and made her way to the kitchen, where someone was sitting at the table, gripping a mug.

For a second, Hermione saw Ron, and her heart skipped a beat. However, after a closer look, she realised it was Fred, causing her to sigh sadly.

Fred glanced up at her. "Hermione?"

"Hi Fred," she muttered, skimming past him to the sink, tears welling up in her eyes. She wasn't in the mood for jokes.

"Can't sleep?" Fred asked from behind her.

"Not really," Hermione frowned, pouring herself a glass of water.

"Tell me about it... Anyway, I think I'll head up now," he stated. She heard the scrape of the chair on the floor. "Goodnight."

His footsteps carried away, and Hermione couldn't prevent the sob that escaped her. The footsteps stopped.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Fred asked, returning.

Hermione didn't know what to say. Fred seemed so sincere. She didn't realise he had that in him. She turned to face him, seeing that his expression was completely serious.

"How do you and George keep a smiling face after everything that's happened?" Hermione questioned, almost accusingly.

Fred held onto the banister. "I guess it's what keeps us going. People deal with grief differently," he explained.

"By ignoring it?

"No..." Fred looked almost hurt, but he continued calmly. "The pain is very much still there. Smiling just takes the worst of it. It allows me to fight it and not let it win."

Hermione took this in. It made sense, but she wasn't sure it was something she could take on herself.

"I... I don't know how to move on. Ron's absence just makes my throat tighten and the longing... it's unbearable. We..." she didn't finish, feeling as if she was going too far.

However, Fred sensed what she was about to say. "He really liked you, you know," he smiled sadly.

A tear rolled down Hermione's cheek. "I know. I just wished we had longer."

Fred watched her, seemingly unsure of how to comfort her. After a second, he said "Do you want some hot chocolate?"

This warmed Hermione up a little inside. It was a kind gesture, which she accepted with a nod.

He strode over to the kitchen counter, boiling the water and preparing the chocolate.

"If I learnt anything from my dad's obsession with muggles, it's that sometimes a bit of physical preparation can bring out the best flavour," Fred told her.

"My mum used to make the best hot chocolate. She'd prepare some for me when I had nightmares as a child," Hermione reminisced.

Fred poured the water into the two mugs which were placed in front of him, and after adding the finishing touches of cream and marshmallows, handed her a mug. "Well, I can't promise it'll be as good as your mother's. But I hope it'll chase away your demons."

"Thank you, Fred," Hermione said, finding herself increasingly impressed with her late boyfriend's brother.

"You wanna know why I was crying?" Hermione began.

"Only if you're comfortable to share?"

"Truth is, I saw Ron sitting at that table when I walked in. For a second I thought he was fine," Hermione confessed. It had been those freckles, the messy red hair and the long nose Fred shared with his younger brother that she could still see at that moment.

"I guess it's only natural that we have some biological similarities, even if I am a whole lot better looking," Fred joked.

Hermione didn't laugh.

"Sorry, too soon?" he grimaced, realising how insensitive he was being.

A small smile crept into Hermione's face, letting him know it was okay. He eased up a little, smiling back.

"I must admit, Fred. You're not what I assumed you to be," Hermione admitted.

"And what was that?"

"A bit of an ignorant joker who didn't put much thought into other people's feelings," Hermione said.

"Charming. You make me sound like Peeves," Fred scoffed.

"But," Hermione added. "I was obviously wrong."

"Well that is encouraging," Fred chuckled.

They stood in silence for a second, before a yawn escaped from Hermione's lips.

"I'd better go and try get some sleep. The lack of it will start killing me soon," Hermione informed him.

"That's the last thing we'd want. Night, Hermione," Fred bade her.

She finished her hot chocolate before ascending the stairs.

"Goodnight Fred."

As she got back into bed, Ginny was fast asleep again. Hermione laid down, feeling a lot more relaxed than she had done before. She slept relatively peacefully for the remainder of the night, something that hadn't happened in a long time. She dreamed of Ron, and in the morning, she woke up somewhat more cheerfully than before. 

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