Chapter 3 - Do you want powers with that?

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Jezebel’s eyes fluttered open. It took her a moment to remember where she was. She smiled as the memories came back to her and leaped out of the bed, her body full of adrenaline. She showered quickly and dried her long black curls.

She opened the long slick black wardrobe to find a leather black cat suit. At first she didn’t think it would fit her but she pulled it on fairly easily. She opened up her bag and found her bathroom bag. She brushed her teeth and put on a very light layer of make-up making her long black lashes ever more noticeable. She looked at the blue envelope on her bedside locker and picked it up. She opened it and read the words on the first letter slowly. It wasn’t a very interesting or long letter to today’s Jez but growing up it would have been useful.

Jez folded the letter back up and put it with the others. If they were all going to be boring things she now already knew then they could wait for later. Right now she wanted to learn her powers. She stood and looked at her new reflection. Overnight Jez had grown a couple of inches, lost a little bit of weight and everything about her looked healthier. Her hair seemed to have a blue tint to it and so did her lips a little.

Jez realised it was already two o’ clock and rushed out the door and down four doors. She hesitated for a moment before knocking. What did she want with Steve? She decided to ask him to take her to Fury so she could begin training. She knocked gently but there was no reply.

“Looking for me Ma’am?” a voice asked.

Jez turned and saw Steve standing at the other end of the corridor. She smiled at the sight of him.

“It’s Jez,” she said. “I was wondering if you could tell me where I could find Fury and how to get there.”

“I was just coming to get you,” Steve said. “There’s someone here to meet you.”

Jez followed Steve back the way he had come trying to remember how to get around.

“Did you sleep well?” he asked trying to make conversation.

“Like a baby,” Jez said. “What about you?” Steve nodded in answer. Today he was wearing a plain blue t-shirt and black pants.

They reached a new area that Jez hadn’t been yet. Maria Hill was waiting for them.

“Before you meet him you might want to know that he’s,” Maria started. “Just ignore what he says.” Jez nodded unsure what to expect but she sure didn’t expect it to be Tony Stark. Tony turned at the sound of the door opening.

“Long time, no see Capsicle,” Tony said and then he saw Jez. Jez instantly felt protective of Steve and annoyance started to swell up in her. “This must be Fury junior. I’m Tony or Iron Man but rookies usually know that.”

“Jez,” Jez said holding out her hand. Tony shook it surely and Jez squeezed back tight.

The room had a round table in the centre. Steve sat down but Jez just leaned against the table.

“Iron Man,” she said. “What brings you here?”

“I wanted to see the new beacon of hope,” he said. Jez rolled her eyes. That again! Was needing to be a superhero not pressure enough without needing to be the world’s saviour too?

“I don’t even know my powers yet,” Jez said and gave Fury a look as he entered the room.

“You’re about to find out,” Fury said. “We need to take a sample of your blood and if it’s green then you’re ready, if not then you’ll have to wait a little longer.” A man with a needle stepped forward. Jez hadn’t paid any notice to him until now. He took her arm and in one movement the needle was in. Everyone watched as dark brown blood filled the needle.

“It’s working,” Fury said. “But it hasn’t finished yet.”

“Sir,” Maria said. “Should we show her the suit and weapon ideas?” Jez nodded enthusiastically. Fury agreed and in five minutes Jez was in another room with Agent Hill.

The room had backups of all the Avenger’s suits except Iron Man. There was one section where there were many different types of the same suit and drawings on the walls. Jez examined them all. There were matching weapons to go with each outfit. They had shields and guns and all sorts of weapons.

“Will my name not affect the suit and weapon?” she asked. Agent Hill nodded. “I’ve been thinking about it and I want it to be something to do with my powers. I guess everything will be placed on hold right?”

“Do you feel any different?” Maria asked. Jez thought about it. She was more muscled and tall. Then there was being able to hear the conversation the night before. She felt stronger and so were her senses. She told Agent Hill about it all except hearing the conversation about someone being after her. They looked at all the suits and weapons and Agent Hill explained what everything did.

“How long has it been?” Jez asked just as they finished up.

“Two hours,” Maria replied stacking up the scattered paper. Jez helped before heading to the door.

“I’ll see you later,” she said as she left Maria behind and went on a wander. Eventually she made it closer to where she had been earlier.

“Lost?” someone asked. Jez turned to see Tony.

“A little,” Jez said and kept walking the way she was heading. Tony jogged a little to catch up.

“Feelings for Capsicle, huh?” he asked. Jez stopped dead in her tracks.

“No!” she said a little too fast. “He’s just showing me around.”

They kept on walking and finally Jez noticed where they were and where she was heading.

“He’s not doing a very good job if you’re lost,” Tony added. “But daddy’s office is down there to the left. This is goodbye for me but if you need me for anything this is my number.” Jez took the piece of paper in her hand. Iron Man’s phone number. This was just too crazy. When she looked back up Stark was gone. Jez turned and ran towards Fury’s office.

“Enter,” Fury said when Jez knocked. “Ready for another test?”

“As I’ll ever be,” Jez replied. Fury pressed a button on his desk and within seconds another man with a needle was there. Jez crossed her fingers on her free hand as blood started to fill the needle. This time the blood was a bright green. Jez jumped and started to laugh.

Fury gawked at Jez with his mouth hanging open. Jez looked down at him confused. Was her skin after turning green? She looked down at her hands and noticed she wasn’t touching the ground. She was flying!

“Awesome!” Jez said and spun around in the air. “One power down. What’s next?”

“Now we put you in a room and see what happens when you’re in danger. Simon, tell Captain America that he’s needed in training and tell the agents in the lab to bring the tests.”

Jez didn’t know how to stop flying but she didn’t care. She glided through the air after Fury and to the training areas. When she arrived all eyes were on her. The agents locked her into a room and there was complete silence. Jez didn’t have any weapons and she didn’t know what was coming next.

There was a loud noise and seven black robot type machines rose from the ground. They all started shooting at her. Jez flew high up to the roof avoiding the first shots but the robots could move and they followed Jez wherever she went.

There was nothing Jez could do but fight back. She flew behind the first one and held it as a shield. The other robots shot at it and it burst into flames. She ran to the next robot and ripped off its head. She continued like this until all the robots were destroyed.

When she was finished there was complete silence again. Jez realised she wasn’t flying anymore.

“Well done Jez,” Steve’s voice boomed through the intercom. “That’s level one. The people from the lab are here to give the result of your blood test. The door’s open.”

Jez left the room behind her and men entered to gather the broken robots. Jez felt adrenaline still running through her body when she enter the observing room. Steve smiled when he saw Jez and she smiled back.

“Jez,” a scientist said. “You’re more powerful than we thought.”

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