We're All In Love Tonight - Chapter 3

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Hellooooo!! ;D

Chapter 3!

I am actually pretty damn jealous of Harley-Jane...GERARD WALKED HER HOME!!!!

17 year old Gerard...Y U NO WALK ME HOME!?!?!?!!?

Hope you enjoy this chapter! :D

- Keep Shining <3

Melissa xoxoxo



I heard someone gasp in the corner of the corridor.


Hazel eyes met my green eyes.


I knew that it was Gerard from the eyes.


I saw him come out slowly and crouch down to where I was.


"Hey, I saw what happened. Sorry I didn't stop it." He apoligized his eyes burning with sadness. His soft voice was smoothe and masculine and very comforting.


"Don't worry, she probably wouldn't have stopped anyway" I replied not letting my eyes meet his or my curse of a blush would make an appearance.


"I need to get you to the nurse" He said. The nurse would ask how this happened and I couldn't just say that I fell down. "No, it's alright I'm gonna be fine" I tell him, lifting myself up and fliching as my knees felt the pressure. Soon arms went around my waist and helped me to my feet, his arm went around my shouldeer and supported me from falling most likely to my death.


"Listen kid, I'll take you home, okay" My heart dropped when he said kid. I knew that's all he would ever see me as. "Really?...are you sure?" I ask him politely, I really did want him to take me home but I didn't want to sound desperate. 


"Yeah, is your mom home?" He asked, My mom would definitely ask me how I got injured but then again she would look after me whether or not I even answered her.

I nodded slowly. 


We started walking through the halls and out the door. I saw the pouring rain bating against the ground as I started shivering, I only had my thin jumper on and my blazer was in my locker. Gerad had his bag with him and he took out a large black umbrella. 


He took me along the sidewalk walked as slowly and his grip on my waist and shoulder was gentle as if I would burst into a thousand pieces. Gerard then paused and slipped off his blazer and wrapped it around my shivering figure. I looked up at him with questioning eyes. "Won't you be cold?" He just smiled with a sparkle in his hazel eyes and shook his head.

We're All In Love Tonight (MCR Fanfiction/Gerard Way Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now