We're All In Love Tonight - Chapter 1

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CHAPTER 1!!!!!! :D

- Keep Shining <3

Melissa xoxoxo


I made my way down to the bus stop where I could vaguely see a poof in the distance walking there. The poof is known as my best friend Makeda who I've been friend's with since we were seven and we're fourteen now. I got closer to the bus stop and that meant closer to Gerard Way.

I should probably explain who Gerard Way is. Gerard Arthur Way is the seventeen year old boy who I have the biggest crush on, he's into art, comic books, horror movies and bands like The Smashing Pumpkins. He has a brother called Mikey who is in my grade, his friends are Frank Iero and Ray Toro, Frank is also in my grade. Gerard is amazing at singing, he's in a band with Mikey, Ray and Frank and it's called My Chemical Romance. I know that he's good at singing because I heard them play after school even though they didn't know I was there.

You may think that I'm a bit of an obsessive creep but I'm really not, I just really like Gerard. 

I thought about Gerard's black hair and sparkling hazel eyes. The way he concentrated when doing art. I really love his art, it's full of concept and depth.

I was broken out of my thought when I heard someone shouting my name.

"Harley!...Harley!!...HARLEY-JANE LYNUS!" 

It was Makeda, she's the only one that ever uses my full name. My proper name is Harley-Jane but usually people just call me Harley.

"What?!" I snap at her, she interrupted my thoughts.

"We're going to miss the bus!" 

After I realised what she said I ran forward to the bus that was heading our way. Soon we got there in time and I stepped on. I quickly looked down at my uniform, my grey skirt wasn't too long or short, blazer was fine, and my shirt wasn't creased. This is good progress for the day...I need to keep it like this, I have extra art classes after school and Gerard is going to be there.

Does my face look okay?! 

"You look fine" Makeda's voice whispered in my ear. I calmed down slightly but what if he looks at me?

I walked down the aisle of the bus and noticed Gerard sitting with his friends right in front of our seats. That means that they're definitely going to see us. Makeda pushed me further down to the end and I passed them.

I looked at Gerard who was drawing something. Mikey was having a chat with Ray and Frank. Gerard looked up as we passed and his hazel eyes met my green ones. I froze at he gave me a small smile. My face flushed as I hurried past them and into the seats behind.

I sat down with a breath as I lifted my bag onto my lap. They were in front of us so that meant that Makeda and I wouldn't be able to talk about them without them hearing. I took out my notebook and wrote a note to her.


I saw her grin at it before writing down a reply and shoving it in my direction.

I know! Just don't go and stroke his hair!! 

I smiled at this because well, I could actually do that but that could be creepy. 

But did you see...HE SMILED...AT ME!!

He did. I will never forget this day, Gerard Arthur Way smiled...at me! I saw her quickly write down a response before handing it back to me. 

He knows you exist! now you can make your move!

I laughed at his for some reason but Gerard would never want a kid like me, I bet he doesn't even want to know a kid. 

Gerard would NEVER go for me...you know that

I saw her frown and shake her head as she scribbled something down.

Yeah, then why is he drawing you?

I looked down at the note confused and gave her a questioning look. She just nodded her head towards Gerard. I peered forward to see Gerard drawing a girl that did actually look like me. Same hairstlyle and face.


Gerard Arthur Way was drawing...ME?!?


Here you go guys!

It was short and pretty crap but it's only just starting.......as well as that fact that It's past 11:30 pm and I have school tomorrow...

I'd like to thank my friend for letting me steal her name! xDDD

 HOPE YOU LIKED IT!!!!!!!!! :D

- Keep Shining <3

Melissa xoxoxo 

We're All In Love Tonight (MCR Fanfiction/Gerard Way Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz