Chapter 6

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Gerards P.O.V.

Frank is the last and first person I want to see. I want to run to him. I want to tell him I really like him. I want him to comfort me, as selfish as that sounds. But, class should still be going on. That means he was waiting for me, just around the corner, where you can hear everything.

I stare at him, tears streaming down my face and blood drying on my hands for me digging my nails into the already broken skin.

I swallow as much air as possible. "F-Frank? How much did you hear?" I ask, afraid of the answer. What if he just pities me because I'm the 'new kid who can't settle down'? No. He wouldn't do that... right?

"Everything." He says quietly and looks me in the eyes.

I start to say my apology when I feel small, trembling arms wrap around my waist. "And I'm glad I heard it."

I my heart constrict. He didn't say that. But yes he did. I smile like an idiot and wrap my arms around his thin frame, squeezing tight. "Just so you know, Frankie, I'm never letting go again." I say and squeeze him tighter to emphasize it.

I feel his light laugh and a pair of heels strutting down the hallway. No. Please don't let it be- "Geeeeraaaaard!" I hear Lyn-z say in a sing-song voice. Oh, God. Here we go.

I mutter a sorry to Frank and turn around slowly. She tugs on my arm, rather hard for a girl her size, and makes a disgusted look at Frank. "I won't ever let a leech like him touch you again." She says while dusting my shoulders off, like there's dirt on them.

I feel anger rising inside of me. Lyn-z is a long time family friend and she follows us to every new school. I hate it. And her too. I shrug her hand off and let my eyes turn red, but only so she can see.

"Never call him a leech again, Lyn." I spit out her name harshly.

She jumps away from me like I just told her I ran over a puppy on purpose. Good. Thank the heavens. She stutters out something inaudible and walks away. I turn to Frank. He's trembling. Oh, God, what has she done to him? What have I done to him?

I take a step towards him and he shakes his head. "Wha-what did you just d-do Gee?" He asks, scared.

Oh shit, what have I done?

"No. Frankie, please." I plead and wrap him in a hug. He's shaking uncontrollably and I made him shake. I'm actually a monster. I knew I was before but... Now, I can't stand myself. If I saw myself, I'd kill me for scaring Frank.

"Gee? Why were your eyes glowing? And don't say they weren't because I'm not stupid. Please, I don't want anymore lies." He says pleadingly.

I see Mikey out of the corner of my eye. I look at him, begging to tell Frank the truth. He nods, smiling weakly. I mouth a thank you and take Frank's hand, leading him outside.

"Gerard." He stops. "Where are we going? I want you to tell me what just happened." He says demandingly.

"I know. I can't tell you in there. We're skipping the rest of the day and Mikey will do our homework. Okay?" He doesn't respond. I feel tears beginning to form. "Please. Trust me Frank. I wouldn't hurt you."

The tears fall and I let them. "Okay Gee. I trust you with my life."

I give a cold laugh, void of all emotion. "You have no idea what you just said."

He looks at me confused. I shake my head and start walking in the cold autumn breeze. Man, I hope Frank doesn't get too cold...

We eventually get to a bench and I pat the spot next to me. "Story time." pause and look at him. "Please don't be scared of me..." I whisper. "So a long long time ago the theory of the living dead came along. That brought unicorns, fairies, werewolves, and vampires. Two years ago, was dying of some sort of disease that couldn't be cured and both of my parents died from it." I hear him suck in a breath. "The doctor changed me, fearing my brother would be lost also and he couldn't 'lose anymore patients'. It was unbearable for him. After us, he quit. But, strangely, Mikey wasn't infected by the disease. Later on he found me and then he got sick. Sicker than I was. I couldn't part with him. I had already cut ties with everyone but him. I wasn't losing him too. So, I changed him. I know it's selfish, but, I couldn't help it. He was all I had left. Now, we did find more vampires in the area. Like Lyn-z and a few others. People always get suspicious, and that's why we move so much. And that's also why I usually try not to make many friends."

He takes a deep breath and lets all of this sink in I suppose. He closes his eyes and opens them slowly, still taking deep breaths. "Vampire?" he asks, shaking his head, tossing around his beautiful hair.

I nod and he laughs. "I have a question?" he asks.

This is what I feared. Damnit. "Yes, Frankie?" I asks, hoping it's not a stupid or dangerous question.

"How exactly do you change a human?" He asks without hesitation. Right when he said that a look of dread came over him.

"Well, it's a little complicated. You have to ingest another vampire's blood. Once it's in your system you would have to die within 24 hours. If 24 hours passes then you don't have to worry."

"Can you promise me something? Please?"


He takes a long breath and I can tell he wants to get off of his chest." You were so honest to me I must tell you something about me. I feel like I might love you. A while ago, I dated this guy. He was involved with some bad things and people. One day he just disappeared and I never saw him again. I loved him. That day I swore to myself to never do that again, but oops I did it again. I Love You Gerard, and I don't care about all that stuff anymore. This is who you are and I love you for telling me. Please just promise me one thing... never change me, please. I'm okay with you being one but, I never want to be like that."

I nod my head and let out a breath that seems like I've been holding in forever. I take his hand and look at my feet. "I think I love you too. I used to love a human and I promised myself and my brother that I would never love another human, but I can't keep that promise anymore." I say and look at him through my eyelashes. "I also understand that you don't want to be like me. I don't either."

Happy Valentines Day! Now I hope you enjoyed this chapter and again thank you  to @livurlife2015 for helping me write. You all are amazing people and enjoy this time of the year. Have a great life and remember, Frank Iero and Brendon Urie are beautiful people and so are you.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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