Tools of Destruction: Prologue

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The Polaris Galaxy. It's a beautiful place... except for one thing: a pint-sized runt named Percival Tachyon. Tachyon had taken over most of the Polaris Galaxy with his army of Drophyds, crowning himself Emperor.

But there are some planets not under that pint-sized Cragmite's control, Free Polaris. It is the remnants of the galaxy's original government, that refused to bow down when Tachyon seized control. Their capital is the planet Igliak:

Igliak is home to many cities, but the one most well-know is Meridian City

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Igliak is home to many cities, but the one most well-know is Meridian City. It is a busily metropolis filled with different races from all across the Galaxy. Many are luckily to live there, because this planet is one of very few that provide an escape from the tyranny of Tachyon.

In a small garage called Ava's Scrap Works, in the lower levels of Meridian City, somebody was working away, disassembling an extremely damaged ship. It was a small, light brown furred creature with red highlights/jagged markings on his ears, wearing a black utility vest and a pair of dark blue shorts, black boots with a pair of welding goggles on his eyes and a plasma torch in one of his gloved hands. This creature was a Lombax.

After he finished cutting the left side off the ship, the Lombax clipped the torch to his belt and then went over to his workbench on the right corner of the room. Going over to the miniature radio that was on the bench the Lombax turned the dial to his favorite station. This particular station plays songs from a distant planet in an unknown galaxy. He turned up the volume and smiled when he heard his favorite song begin to play.

"A modern-day warrior. Mean, mean stride. Today's Tom Sawyer. Mean, mean pride."

The Lombax threw his head to the base of the song, savoring the beat before he turned his attention back to the bench. Laying upon it was a big wrench, which he picked up with his right hand. Turning his attention back to the ship. With his wrench in hand, he turned a bolt-crank that moved the partial disassembled ship on its side.

As he was lost in the drum solo of the song, he didn't notice a figure standing in the doorway of the garage. The Figure, seeing that the Lombax was distracted, moved over to the radio on the desk and turned it off.

The Lombax immediately turned his head towards his visitor. "Hey!!"

The figure, a Markazian, had a smile grow on his face from the Lombax's dismay. "Hey!!! The Big J!!! How's it hanging, Jase?"

Jase placed his wrench aside and pushed up his welder googles to reveal his brown eyes. "Terry... what you need now?"

Terry gasps in response. "Oh, I'm so crushed that you assume I want something... can't a guy visit his favorite Lombax pal?"

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