new family?(childhood years part 2)

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I've been staying in ths hospital for 3 weeks now, and I still can't remember who I am. The nurses have been so nice to me, they said the town doctor is out of town but he's coming back tonight

Night time.

It was I think about half 7 at night when I woke up, "oh great, your awake!" Said the man with the white coat.

"I am Doctor Stevenson, and I believe you've been a patient here for the past three weeks."

The doctor kept talking and talking while I sat here quietly. until the doctor asked me a question. "So, tell me more about yourself Saphire."

"umm..." I looked down. The doctor came near and held my hands but as soon as he held my hands hes eyes became bright blue. Which is weird because hes got brown eyes. the doctor was like that for atleast 2 minutes.

"are you okay?" I asked doctor stevenson. "i'll be back in a few." as soon as he said it he ran off. but at the hall he was having a conversation with nurse alicia. Although i couldn't hear them very clearly i can hear the doctor raising his voice."Its better for...faraway...I'll keep..."

This doesn't make sense what deos he mean?

The next day. when i woke up the nurse was packing up my stuff, well atleast the things that I've using for the past 3 weeks. "what's all this?" i asked alicia. "I think its better if the doctor explain this to you."

"Hi saph, since you have no memory from your past and you being in a small town doesn't help i've decided to adopt you." Doctor explained."what?! You hardly know me!" I replied in shock. "Well, you can't just say here forever. Don't worry, me, nurse alicia and all the other staff in this hospital we'll be your second family." Doctor stevenson replied or shall I say DAD.

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