Drift Away

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Jack was under the impression that replacing the licenses plate at the first rest stop would confuse the fangirls that had been outside the hospital and had a clear idea of what the RV looked like.

At this point, I'm sure some photo of the RV was circling social media with a new hashtag created by a group of thirteen year old girls trying to figure out what happened to Xander. Changing the licenses plate on the RV at every rest stop wasn't going to confuse anyone except us. There weren't too many sleek black RV's on the road, and a change in something as insignificant as plates wasn't going to make anyone question themselves.

The boys were still in delirium as Jack shoved coffee into their hands, most of them stuck with bed hair and bags still heavy under their eyes. I had dozed off twice during the night and was stirred awake both times by a slight bump in the road. Not only was I exhausted, but I could hardly move my stiff neck.

My dad tried offering me a cup of coffee, but I declined as childish as possible. "I don't drink coffee, but you wouldn't know that."

Ryan snorted and nearly choked on his coffee. "Damn."

The sole survivor of a security guard looked up from the back of the RV and craned his neck to get a glimpse of Ryan. Once he was sure the twenty two year old was okay, he went back to reading the newspaper.

"I don't appreciate being talked to like that by a seventeen year old little girl." Jack said through his teeth.

I shrugged a shoulder. "I don't appreciate my father walking out on my family when I was three. I guess there are just some things we don't like, right?"

The boys snickered at my comment, turning away when Jack threw a dark look at them, pretending to not have heard a word.

Deciding it'd be in everyone's best interest for me to walk away, I crossed the van to Xander. He was in the midst of trying to force a muffin in his mouth. I immediately tore it from his grip and whirled on my father.

"What is wrong with you? He's allergic to blueberries, you idiot!" I screamed, startling the rest of the boys. Haiden plucked the muffin from my hand and set his own plain one in it, a weak smile playing on his thin lips.

"Thanks." I flashed him a quick smile, taking in deep breaths to calm myself as I handed the muffin over to Xander. He had no desire to even look at it, his eyes were glued to me.

In the midst of my mini outburst, I hadn't really taken the fact I may have freaked him out into consideration. It was sadly a blame I couldn't throw on my father.

"How are you feeling?" I questioned.

His head was tilted back, blue eyes widening a fraction. "I'm allergic to blueberries?"

I leaned into the recliner, my hand pressing so hard into the leather seat the wooden frame beneath had begun to dig into my palm. He brushed a strand of his tousled brown hair away from his eyes so he could see me clearer.

"Blueberries, peanuts, and pollen." I explained. "I remember when we were six, you ate a chocolate and peanut butter candy and ended up in a hospital. Everyone freaked out except for you. You just smiled and said it was worth it."

Ryan and Ashton chuckled, listening in on our conversation. I saw a hint of a smile appear on Xander's lips. "Did I always say dumb things like that?"

"Only most of the time." I laughed.

The sound was so strange I wasn't sure if it'd come out right. Mason was watching from the window seat at my back, chin propped in hands as he watched the scene before him as if it were a movie. I saw the right side of his mouth curl into a half smile at the inhuman sound that had escaped me.

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