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Tanya's phone pinged at 2 in the night. Always a curious soul, her hand darted to the phone much to her displeasure. She desperately wanted to sleep, but it was as if the whole world had decided against it. First the book kept her awake, then Ram barged in crying, and the latest intruder was...


She jolted up on bed, eyes wide and fixed on the screen.

~ Anurag

The message read. Why was he messaging her at 2 in the night. Hell, why was he messaging her at all? Wasn't her distancing herself from enough indication to stay away? Before she could come up with more such questions, her phone pinged again.

And this time, the message changed her mood completely.

Tanya, I know that long-distance relationship didn't work out well for us, but please, don't just walk away from me like that.
I love you Tanya, I always will.
And even after all this time, I know that you love me too. I can see it in your eyes every time we cross each other.
Yes, I haven't been the best of man and we had to go through that terrible breakup. But then, isn't love incomplete without a breakup?
Every relationship needs another chance Tanya, so please, give me one more chance.
Give us one more chance.

~ Anurag

In a world where everyone was busy wishing goodbyes, here was a man who wasn't shy of saying a hi. In a world where everyone was busy having a breakup, here was a man who wasn't shy of trying to keep it alive. No, he wasn't the best man out there, he was the bestest of them all.

Tanya's heart instantly melted at this little gesture of his.

Her heart was always his. There was never a doubt in that. It was just broken into pieces some years ago. And now, here was her man once again collecting all those pieces together. She'd be a fool to let such a man go.

She typed a message and hit send. A minute later there was a reply. She typed another one without a delay. And before they knew it, they were on a call, talking each other to sleep.

When she woke up the next morning, there was a big smile on her face. Sun was already changing its shade when she walked out of her room.

"Good morning," her mother greeted from the kitchen, "Tea?"

With a cup of steaming hot tea, Tanya allowed the night to seep into her. She was amazed at how a tiny little gesture can change an entire relationship. And more often than not, it's about showing courage to make that little move. And at the moment, even her brother's life needed something like that.

"Is Ram awake?" she asked.

Before her mother could answer, their doorbell rang. As Tanya opened the door, the smile on her face grew even more wide.

"What's it?" her mother asked from the kitchen.

"It's an ingredient to save a relationship mom," Tanya shouted already making her way towards Ram's room.

Mannerless as it was, she didn't bother knocking at the door. As expected, Ram was at his usual place by the window, staring at the world outside.

"Knock... Knock...," she said tapping on his leg.

Surprisingly, he just moved his leg aside, making some space for her. He was in a very bad state. And usually at such times, people just let it all out.

"It's all over Di," he said, still staring out of the window, "She's gone. Riya has left without a word. And after thinking over it last night, I've come to the conclusion that even I don't want it anymore. Just like I said, we were never meant to be together."

Tanya would have loved to tease him a little more, but watching those tears in his eyes, she couldn't hold back.

"Just hold that thought a bit kiddo," she said, that smile still plastered on her face, "Because after reading this, I don't think you'd want to call it an end so soon."

"What is it?" That curious little kid in Ram was alive once again.

"It says it's a letter from a girl who doesn't want to be just your friend anymore!"


"A tiny little gesture can change an entire relationship. And more often than not, it's all about showing courage to make it happen."

So this is what Riya has done.
She has made her words travel when she can not.

And what shall I say about Tanya and Anurag. I'm just happy that it worked out between them.

Will Ram and Riya be able to show the same maturity too?

All we can do is hope for it...

Breakup - a love storyWhere stories live. Discover now