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After yet another rash turn, his car finally screeched to a stop at the gate of her apartment.

They were all smiles a couple of hours ago. It was the last day of college and they were so eager for the farewell party. Little did they know that a handful of minutes would change it all?

"Get out," he ordered, anger evident in his voice.

She was angry too, probably more than him, but she knew how to keep her emotions in check. Teenage life had taught her that much.

Without saying a word, she got off the car. Before leaving, she leaned against the open car window and stared at his face. His eyes were fixed on the road ahead, not even sparing her a glance. It took all her strength to withhold the tears. He was her best friend after all. They might have spent only four years of their life together, but she wanted to believe they were the best years of her life.

"Talk to me Ram," she pleaded.

"What's left to talk, huh?" his red eyes darted back at her.

The heat from the car's engine was already warming the cold night; yet, she could feel the volcano burning inside him. She knew his moods all too well. Though, the reason for his anger was still beyond her beliefs.

"I just asked you for a dance Riya, that's it. And you embarrassed me in front of everyone for such a small reason."

"You know I don't dance," she whispered with a hope that her voice would get lost in the noise, "You know how it irritates me when someone asks me to do something that I don't want."

"Am I just someone then?"

His eyes demanded an answer she didn't have. She still remembered how they had bumped into each other during the fresher's party. He was her first real friend in college. And for a girl who had arrived in town just a week back; that was a really special moment. Over the four years of college, their friendship had grown from better to best and before she even realized, he wished for it to go beyond. That was the last thing she wanted. She just wasn't ready.

"You've always been special Ram, you know that."

"Then why all the fuss?" he was literally shouting by now, "Did I try to kiss you or anything, no. All I wished was to share the floor with you, and you had to embarrass me for a small little thing like dance."

He may never admit, but more than his wishes, it was his ego that was hurt. All his friends were there. Everyone, who had already been gossiping about their relationship, who knew what they had, was more than just friendship. However, Riya denied accepting it. She just hoped to keep it simple. But no, he demanded more.

"It may be a small thing for you, but for me, it's not that easy. I have my reservations, I have my barriers."

Traffic was steady, honks were constant, even his car contributed a decibel to that noise, yet, silence surrounded them. They just stared in each other's eyes; unsure of what words would suit the moment. Whatever words they thought were chasing an unknown end.

It was the moment of truth, their relationship hanged on the brink of extinction, and his actions sealed its fate.

"Be happy with your barriers then, I have a life to live."

And just like that, he wheezed off the scene leaving a shattered Riya behind.

A little blip in the emotions left both the souls empty.


"Love may be the strongest bond you will share with someone, but it's the weakest too."

So, what do you think of both the characters?

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