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<<I'm not perfect, yet everyone says I am. Do you know the pressure that puts on me? I have to try to do everything right, when I obviously can't>>


"Jungkook? Are you in here?" I heard Jimin call while knocking on the door. I was currently hiding in the closet, and Taehyung was probably inside the bathroom or kitchen. You guessed it- we were playing hide-and-seek.

Yes yes, I know what you're thinking: "What are three adults playing a child's game?"

Well listen up, person. Games don't have an age. Games are a source of entertainment. You dont have to be on your phones all day looking at tweets, waiting for someone to post a selfie after 287 years of not posting, playing video games, or watching YouTube, watching other people have fun while you're under the covers eating potato chips... No. You need to go out and sociali--- oh no.

"Jungkookie! I can hear you!" He entered the room. Please dont look in here please...

"Hmm, not in here, not here, not here either. Guess he's not in here." He said, and the closing of a door was heard. I untensed and relaxed, realizing I hadn't noticed when I tensed. I think I won this game.

"AH-HA!!" Jimin opened the door so suddenly, I.got scared, screamed and hid behind my hands.

"Oh the great Jungkook, getting scared?" He laughed. I slapped his leg and held my hand up so he could pull me to a stand. "Let's find Tae. I bet he's in the kitchen." He giggled. I just smiled and looked at the ground. This guy, honestly.

He pulled me by my arm as he ran around the house, stopping by every room. He was yelling out his name everytime we entered a room, and when we entered Yoongi's, he mumbled under his breath, "These children.." And silently laughing. We kept on running and Jimin kept calling.

As if he was gonna answer.

We went to the kitchen, as we suspected he would be there. We slowed down as we walked around the large kitchen. Jimin led me to the center, and mouthed to me to scream at the count of three.




"RRRAAAHHH!!!" we both yelled at the top of our lungs. The pantry made a super loud noise, as if all the snacks fell to the ground. We both started laughing, making our way to the door. We opened it, and inside was a hungry Taehyung with a box of cookies.

No, scratch that. An empty box of cookies. He was covered in wrapped snacks and chip bags, as if they fell on his head.

"You guys," he took a breath, "scared me SO hard." He started crawling out of the pantry and shaking everything off of him.

Me and Jimin looked at eachother, looked back at Tae, and started lauguing. He just glared at us and grabbed three buns from the floor.

"You won this time, Jimin. Who's the next seeker?" He asked, stretching his back.

"Hmm, how about--" Jimin started, but got interrupted.

"Can I play?" Hoseok said, jumping from outside the fridge.

"Jung Hoseok did you just--"

"Hey, you maknaes might not use honorifics on eachother but you best respect me." He said, stratching out his arms.

"Hobi-hyung," Jimin started again, "did you just, jump out of the... Refrigerator..?"

"Yes," he said, as he was still stretching. "Why?"

"Thats exactly my question." Taehyung spoke with his mouth full of the bun he took from the floor of the pantry.

"I dont even ask anymore." Namjoon said from accross the counter that divides the kitchen from the living room. "Jungkook, why so silent?"

I hummed in response and looked up at him. I just shrugged.

"Kookie's been silent for a while now, hyung. He hasn't been speaking lately. We don't know why. You would've noticed if you talked to us more often but... Whatever." Taehyung just snapped. My eyes widened and looked over to him. Namjoon looked surprised, as well as Jimin and Hoseok. We all stayed silent awkwardly.

"Sorry," he said, "I just.... Nevermind." I looked at the ground, ashamed. There was a reason for me not talking, I just didn't feel like it. I smiled at him and hugged him by the side. He looked at me and closed his eyes.

"Hyung," Jimin asked Hoseok, "may i please ask you why you were in the fridge?"

"Nah." He answered and just left. I let go of Tae and went to Jimin.

"Yes honey?" He asked as soon as I arrived to his side.

"I wanna go upstairs.." I said, barely above a whisper. Jimin cupped my cheeks and bopped my nose with his index finger.

"Of course! We can play later, right Taehyung?" Tae nodded cutely and made a 'hm!' sound.

"Let's go!" Tae said as he pulled me suddenly by the arm and just ran upstairs to our room.

As we arrived, he pushed me to the bed, and slammed the door shut.

"LETS PLAY!!" He said loudly as he jumped on top of me and started tickling. He sure as hell knows i'm really ticklish, so he made sure I was pinned down so I couldn't move at all.

"Stop!!" I said in between laughs. This lasted for a good 5 minutes, before Jimin arrived.

"What are you two doing??" He asked in a serious tone.

"Oh, um.." Tae was lost for words.

"Tickling Jungkookie, without me??"

"NO!!!" I yelled as he also jumped on the bed and started tickling me.

I was laughing so hard, and couldn't catch my breath. Kicking, trying to punch, nothing worked. I managed to regain enough strength to push them both off of me so they fell to the floor. I hid under the comforter and secured myself.

"You'll never get me now!" I said, making them laugh.

"Are you serious? Of course we can!" Tae said.

"BUT-" Jimin started, "-we're not going to because you're probably hurt."

I got out from my mini tent and looked over at them lying down on the floor. I threw myself on the floor and positioned myself in between them, having my head on Tae's tummy and my legs on Jimin's. There was a while of comfortable silence, as we all caught our breaths.

"Guys," I said above a whisper, gaining a hum in response from both of them, "do you ever feel like you wanna die?"

They both shot up, making me fold and fall off both of them.

"What?" Jimin asked concerned.

"Kookie, you better be joking." Tae said.

"Mm, yeah yeah, im joking.." I said, looking at the ground. They both lay back down. It was silent for a while, but it wasn't awkward. It was just silence.

After a few minutes, Tae had fallen asleep, we could tell because 1) he was silent and 2) his low snore was heard.

"Tae fell asleep?" Jimin whispered. I just nodded. I looked up at him and he had his eyes closed, but when he felt i looked up, he opened them. "Im falling asleep too." He said, and put one arm on my chest, as the other hand was passing through my hair.

Taehyung's arms were both on my legs already. I felt so comfortable with Jimin amd Taehyung.

After a while, the stroking slowed down, until it stopped, because Jimin fell asleep. I stared at the ceiling, and wrapped my arms around Jimin's arm.

I closed my eyes but couldn't fall asleep.

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