Part 17

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Another week went by. Jack hadn't called, Stevie knew he was waiting for her to make the move. She appreciated that. First, she needed to process everything on her own before she could even consider seeing him again. Lindsey, of course, had a whole bunch of questions about Stevie and Jack's relationship. Much to his surprise, she told him everything he had wanted to know. It was still shocking to Lindsey that Stevie was in a relationship with someone, that she even got engaged and she kept it all under wraps. It bothered him, listening to her speak about Jack. He could tell by the way she remembered their relationship that she truly had feelings for another man. Strong feelings. That thought alone was enough to keep Lindsey up at night. He just assumed that Stevie would always be there, waiting. That there was no chance she'd look elsewhere. What an asshole he was to think that. He didn't own her, she was free to do what she wanted. Lindsey simply never realized how easily he could have lost her, only because he believed his heart was tied to another woman's, because he was a good husband and because he wanted his children to have parents who lived under the same roof.

"Are you going out?" Lindsey asked, giving Stevie a once over as she made her way down the stairs.

"Yeah, I am." Stevie nodded. "Jack should be here any minute to pick me up."

"Again?" Lindsey looked at her skeptically, crossing his arms over his chest. "Stevie, do you really think that's a good idea?"

"Well, Jack said he wants closure. He simply want us to talk."

"But you're vulnerable." Lindsey took a step closer, his fingers gently closing around her forearm. "I don't know him, but I never trust any man around you. Especially, one you've dated."

Stevie smiled just a little. "I know. You never have. But I'll be okay."

"Do you think there's a chance you two could get back together?" He asked, for once very straightforward.  

"Honestly, Linds, I didn't even consider that yet."

"Yet." Lindsey pointed out. "But it's on your mind."

Sighing, Stevie gave a small shrug of her shoulders. "I loved him, Lindsey. That's all I can say right now. I know Jack is willing, just by the way he spoke to me, I know he might be hoping for something between us, but... And to be honest-"

"I don't want you thinking about it." Lindsey said, interrupting her. 

"What do you mean?" Stevie's eyebrows creased as she looked up at Lindsey, confused. 

Closing the gap between them completely, Lindsey circled his arms around her waist. "I love you, Steph. I don't want to see you with anyone else."

"Well, you don't want to see me with anyone else, but you don't want to start anything with me either. I know, I agreed to give you time, but... how much more, Lindsey? I'm so tired of waiting for you." She told him sincerely. 

"No." Shaking his head, Lindsey added. "What are we waiting for really? What's going to change if we wait another month, half a year, five years?"

Stevie started laughing unexpectedly. "I don't know. You were the one, who needed time. I've been waiting for twenty years."

Lindsey half smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Do you have to go?"

"I do. But if you mean what you just said, then I'll tell Jack that he shouldn't expect anything. That it's over for good and that you and I are... together again?" Stevie asked somewhat carefully, looking up at Lindsey.

"You better tell him that." Lindsey nodded once. "Because I do mean it, Steph. I fell in love with you when I was a teenager. I'm an old man now..." He smiled. "And I'm still in love with you. Only so much more."

Stevie cast her eyes down, suddenly feeling shy. Lindsey tilted her chin up with the tip of his finger and leaned in, kissing her on the lips. He pulled back just a little, before capturing her lips for a lingering kiss once more.

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