Part 4

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"What are you doing here?" Lindsey asked after a moment. 

"I didn't come here to have another argument, Lindsey. I want to try and talk this out." Stevie replied, still standing in the doorway. 

"Talk what out?" Lindsey scoffed. "The past fifty years?"

His words hurt and Stevie looked down, clasping her hands in front of her. "Has it really been that bad for you, knowing me?"

Lindsey went quiet, he didn't think what he said came out that way. Breathing out heavily, he got up from the couch and came a bit closer to her. He still hadn't asked her to come in. "Stevie, I'm tired. We just finished the show, I want to go back to the hotel and sleep."

"The concert was great." Stevie smiled weakly. However, he didn't respond to that. "So..."

"So?" Lindsey crossed his arms over his chest.

"Just give me an hour, Lindsey. I'm not asking more of you." He pulled his bottom lip into his mouth, then cocked his head back, letting out another sigh. "Okay, got it." Stevie said. "I tried. I might have been in the wrong this time, but I came to you, Lindsey and tried to solve this." She turned to leave, hesitating to take the first step, giving him more time to stop her. 

"Stevie-" Lindsey stepped out of his dressing room, when she was halfway down the corridor. She swiftly turned around, facing him. She didn't open her mouth, waiting for him to speak. "I'm sorry, I know I've been mean to you." Stevie swallowed uneasily and slowly walked back towards him. "I can't talk to you just yet."

"Why? What do you mean?" She looked up at him with her big brown pleading eyes. 

"I'm only taking out my frustration out on you, but this-" He waved his hands around in the air. "Whatever this thing that's gone wrong between us, is not solely your fault. Yes, I'm still upset over the album and that you dedicate so much more time to others than Fleetwood Mac, but it's not only that..." He sighed. "I just can't open up about it right now."

"Lindsey..." Stevie closed the gap between them completely. She might get rejected, she realized that, but she brought her arms up and hugged him. "Lindsey, you can always talk to me, no matter what." She emphasized. He embraced her at last and her heartbeat picked up pace. She tilted her chin up and one glance into his eyes she loved so dearly told her that something indeed was going on. Sadness. She saw sadness in his ocean blues. 

After a moment in each other's arms, Lindsey drew back. "After The Classic East. I just need a few more days and after we do that show, we'll talk."

"Is that a promise?"

"It's a promise." Lindsey nodded once, smiling just a little. "I'll see you, Steph." He said and returned to his dressing room, closing the door.

Stevie wasn't exactly sure what to think. She guessed they made progress, just a tiny bit - nobody yelled. However, now he got her worried. What was wrong? Was it his health? Something happened with one of his children? Had it something to do with Kristen? It was going to be five very long days.

Sighing, Stevie took her phone out of her bag and dialed Karen's number. Her assistant insisted it was time she started using a phone. A short while later, Karen appeared and the two women left the venue, getting into a black SUV to head back to the hotel.

"So, how was it?" Karen asked. 

"Weird." Stevie said, looking out the window. "Lindsey promised we'd talk after the Fleetwood Mac show. Something's up with him, I don't know what. He seemed really sad, Karen."

"And he didn't tell you anything besides that?"

Stevie shook her head.

Deciding not to dwell on the subject, Karen changed it. "I bumped into Christine, while waiting for you. She's kind of upset you didn't let her know, you were coming."

"Everyone's upset with me, what else is new." Stevie shrugged her shoulders. 

"Come on, Stevie..." Karen sighed. "Call her, tell her you had to get to Buckingham first. Open a bottle of wine with Christine, she'll cheer you up."

At first Stevie was going to say no, but having thought about it, she decided it wasn't such a bad idea. "Alright." 

Karen stifled a laugh, seeing as Stevie still had trouble figuring out how to work her new smartphone, but she managed in the end, which was something. Just recently Stevie was using a flip phone. 

Christine was more than happy to hear from Stevie and arrangements were made. Once they returned to the hotel, Karen made sure Stevie didn't need anything from her and she could retire for the night, which was exactly what she did. Stevie on the other hand waited for Christine, hoping she'd arrive soon.

Maybe Chris knew what Lindsey wasn't telling her.

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