Part 12

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Alone. Completely alone in Stevie's house. 

Lindsey wasn't sure what to do as he kept wandering around. He messed around on his guitar, he wrote a few lines down of what might become a new song. It was strange. He'd been living with Stevie for over a week and in such a short time he got really used to being around her. But she had a couple of shows to do. Even though they had admitted their feelings to each other, Lindsey obviously had no right asking her not to go and going along with her? Did he want to? Yes, but it was too soon. They weren't even a couple, he was still officially married and people talk. He didn't want to start any rumors. 

"It's just three more days." Lindsey told himself, laying on the bed, his hands clasped on his stomach, staring up at the ceiling. "God, it's three more days!" He suddenly exclaimed and sat up straight. 

He didn't realize how dangerous it was, asking Stevie for a spare room. Lindsey honestly thought that whatever he still felt for her wasn't as strong as it turned out to be. He had fallen in love with her again and he had no idea what to do about it. Of course, if things had ever been easy for the two of them, he'd want to be with Stevie, but they never were. Something always got in the way. On the other hand, what else was there, standing in their way this time

Lindsey's phone started ringing and he got excited just for a short second, thinking it might be Stevie, however it most certainly was not.



"Hi, Lindsey. I've got something to tell you. I'm not sure it's right doing this over the phone though."

"Just do it." Lindsey sighed, running a hand over his tired face.

"I really don't think so. I'm calling to ask if you're able to see me later tonight and if not, tomorrow then?"

"Tonight is fine." He answered, not giving it much thought. He didn't know what was there to say, but she sounded pretty serious. "I'll come to you?"

"Okay, I'll see you at around 7?"

"Sure." Lindsey replied and ended the call with that.

Lindsey didn't really want to see his soon to be ex wife, he definitely wasn't over her yet. Sure, what he had told Stevie wasn't a lie, Lindsey never loved Kristen nearly as much as he loved Stevie. He just didn't expect it, it came as a shock and he hadn't had enough time yet to process it thoroughly. Lindsey genuinely believed he and Kristen would never get to that point, he thought he'd live out the rest of the days with her by his side. Kristen had always been the safe choice. He had more than just one chance to slip, he and Stevie had gotten this close to overstepping the boundaries  a number of times since he'd gotten married, but he never let that happen. He had always stayed loyal to Kristen. For all he knew if something had happened with Stevie, it could have ended as soon as it started. They loved each other and they were passionate about each other. Exactly that - that fiery passion was the cause of too many problems between them. While with Kristen, Lindsey knew, he could trust she'd be there, always. 

Well, how wrong was he? Maybe he should have taken on of those chances with Stevie after all.

At some point Lindsey had fallen asleep and when he woke up, it was time to drive over to Kristen's. As he was jogging down the stairs, the doorbell rang. Swinging the door open, Lindsey came face to face with a man he had never seen before. 


"You're Lindsey, right?"

"I am and who are you?" Lindsey asked, holding onto the handle. 

"Jack." The man held out his hand and Lindsey shook it, not without some hesitation. "Say, is Stevie around? That is if she still lives here. I wasn't exactly expecting to see you."

"I'm sorry, Jack, but who the hell are you?" Lindsey frowned, but the man in front of him didn't seem at all offended as he laughed it off.

"Well, I'm not sure how to describe myself. Let's say, I'm a friend of Stevie's. We had a thing." He waved his hand around in the air as if that would help Lindsey make sense of the situation. "I had to leave, but I promised I'd come see her if I were to come back. So, here I am. And where is she?"

"Stevie's got a show, she's not home. I don't know when she'll be back." Lindsey lied.

"Oh, I see. Well, give her a this then, okay?" Jack handed Lindsey a card. "It was nice to meet you."

Lindsey didn't get a chance to say anything else before Jack got back behind the wheel of his BMW. Staring down at the card, Lindsey scoffed at the word lawyer. Stevie and a lawyer. Stevie and Jack, the lawyer. Frowning, Lindsey put the piece of paper in the back pocket of his jeans, unlikely to retrieve it from there again. However, a thing didn't necessarily have to be sexual, right? Maybe Jack had to see Stevie for some other reason? Unlikely, but what if? 

Apparently, there was always something standing in their way after all.

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