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I remember it all perfectly.

Beast Boy and I had been dating for five years. Five long, beautiful, fulfilling years.

All of us had grown even closer, and older as well. Before we knew it, we were no longer teens, but merely a bunch of young adults all in our late teens and early twenties.

Garfield consulted his rather large fan base on how to solve the problem, since we could no longer call ourselves the "Teen Titans" if none of us were teens anymore.

The live stream resulted to be worth it though. Apparently our fans had been preparing for this years in advance, knowing this day would come, so they immediately told us that the perfect name would be the "Team Titans" or just "The Titans".

Nightwing agreed rather quickly, and Star made us all matching tees with the new logo on it.

So really, we hadn't really changed, unless you count appearance.

I decided to grow my hair out, which Garfield enjoyed the most out of everyone.

Robin had in fact, dropped the Boy Wonder act, but still stuck to the bird theme. I couldn't call him Traffic Light anymore, but I always joked that it wouldn't be long before his hair would be just about as long as Starfire's.

Beast Boy, in my eyes, had matured the most. He had gotten a new white and purple uniform that suited his even more muscular and broad body. I commented that puberty had done its job rather well. Though it took me a while to get used to how deep his voice had dropped yet again. He sometimes sounded like a full-grown man, except for the occasional girlish shriek that we could all trace back to him with ease.

Cyborg was noticed by The Justice League after we'd saved the world for the millionth time. We expected Nightwing to get the slightest bit jealous, but he simply congratulated him and stated that he'd be working with the best if the best.

One particular night, after we had another of our famous Titan parties with The Titans East, which included a braid train that consisted of Star, Bee, Jinx, Nightwing, and I, our sister team returned home to their tower and we all went off to bed.

I remember how happy I felt. I had so much fun that night, I didn't want it to end.

As I changed into my pajamas, a memory of when Wally had asked Garfield about our "first time" and if it had taken place yet, and how red he had gotten as he frantically informed the young speedster that it was none of his business brought a smile to my face.

What a day...
I had thought as I entered my warm bed, and closed my eyes with Garfield on my mind.
I opened my eyes and twitched at the change of scenery. I sat up, rubbed my head and looked down at the large flat boulder I was seated upon. My back ached, as if I had been thrown onto it, by whom I couldn't guess.

"Raven." A voice bellowed.

Never mind.

I slowly stood, due to how sore my body felt all of a sudden, to find myself in what would seem like the pits of hell. My father was quite accustomed to the temperature and ghastly stench.

"What do you want from me, father?"

"You are well aware of what I desire from you."

I looked down at my bare feet and felt my hands clench into fists at my sides.
"I would never join you."

"But you must. It is your destiny."

"It was also my destiny to be the end of all things mortal, to help you destroy Earth, wasn't it? But that failed- you failed- because I had my friends by my side."

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