A rude awakening

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Beast Boy's POV 💚
I woke up in the common room.

I could barely remember anything that happened last night. I yawned and tried to stretch myself out, but then I felt something, or someone, on my chest. I looked down and saw Raven, dozing away. I smiled to myself, until I noticed that my shirt was gone. Across the room, it lay, alongside Raven's cloak. I looked back down at her in panic and noticed that she wasn't wearing her leotard. That was gone too. She was just in her black bra and underwear. I realized that I was merely in my boxers. I screamed, waking Raven up as she jumped at the sound.

She looked at where her head was placed and quickly scooted over. Then she kind of reached for her cloak, and when she didn't feel anything, she noticed our lack of clothing. Before I could even blink, eyes instantly turned bright red, and a second pair of smaller, red eyes appeared.

I backed away from her on the sofa.
"I didn't do anything, I don't even remember what happened, I'm just as confused as you are, I swear!" I yelped, my hands out defensively. She studied my face and started to calm down, her eyes going back to normal.

She had a blank expression on her face as she replied,"Where's Starfire....."

Then we both started frantically searching for her around the tower. We'd gone through every room and the only one left was Robin's room. By then Raven had grabbed her cloak and securely placed it on, not bothering to put on her leotard. I had found my sweatpants and slipped into them.

We both stood infront of Robin's door, scenarios running through or minds.
"You don't think....." I began.
Raven looked unsure. I took a deep breath, entering the code, and watched as the door slid open.
Raven's POV 💜
Beast Boy swiftly opened the door and we found Robin and Starfire both lying on Robin's bed. Unlike us, they were still fully clothed. I used my powers to levitate a glass of water that was on Robin's desk and spilled it over the two of them. Robin immediately jumped to his feet.

"ATTACK!" He moved into an awkward fighting stance. Starfire didn't move a muscle. Beast Boy walked over to her and gently flicked her arm. She screamed so loud that Cyborg came sleepily from his room.

"What's all the commotion?"

Starfire looked over at me.
"How did I end up in friend Robin's sleeping quarters?"

Beast Boy shrugged.
"The last thing I remember is I was watching a show with Starfire and Raven, and we were eating popcorn, then I wake up and find Starfire no where to be found, and me and Raven are barely dressed!"

"Woah dude..." Cyborg looked really worried. "You guys didn't..."

Robin called the team to command. "TITANS!" Out of instinct we all gave him our undivided attention. "If we want to figure out what happened, we'll all have to settle down first." He motioned for us to gather together.

Starfire sat up on the bed, Robin took a seat beside her, Beast Boy and I sat on the floor, and Cyborg took Robin's chair from his desk and positioned it next to all of us.
Robin started again."Okay, now that we've all calmed down, let's start with Raven. What's the last thing you remember?"

Everyone turned to me.
"Well, I...um..." I took a deep breath.
"I was watching the show, then Starfire offered Beast Boy and I some popcorn, we accepted. I took a small handful and started eating it, then I just wanted to eat more and more, it was almost like something came over me, it felt like I'd never tasted popcorn before, and I just wanted to enjoy it."

Beast Boy piped in,"I felt that way too!"
Starfire smiled,"I also felt the overcoming joy as I consumed the popped corns. That is why I so badly wanted to share with you dear."

"But what does it all mean?" Cyborg asked.

We all fell silent.

Robin then spoke. "Do you remember anything Cyborg?"

"Now that you mention it," He replied,"I do remember Beast Boy walking into my room and asking if I wanted to 'Come join the party'."

We all thought aloud,"What party?"

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