Shredded Shenanigans

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Beast Boy's POV 💚
We all decided to head back to the crime scene. Besides my sweat pants and Raven's cloak, everything was untouched.

Robin slowly approached Raven's leotard. He stopped dramatically in front of it, crouched down, and picked it up. He examined it for a few seconds and turned back to us.

"Check this out." He dropped the leotard on the coffee table and spread it out. We all noticed that there were huge scratch marks along the sides and torso.

Starfire softly spoke. "The only thing that could've made the marks this big..."

Cyborg finished for her. "...isn't human."

I could feel everyone's eyes on me, but I was consumed in my own thoughts, focusing on every detail of each cut.

How deep did they go, and what animal was I when I made them?
Raven's POV 💜
Beast Boy whispered something to Starfire and her eyes widened. She then dragged me into her room and closed the door.
After a second, she spoke.

"Friend Beast Boy was wondering if you have any of the harmful wounds."

She approached me and lifted her hands right above my cloak. She stared at me with forgiving eyes, as if she were asking for permission without words. I nodded and she proceeded to slowly take off my cloak.

What we saw surprised us both. I couldn't believe that I hadn't noticed it before. There were huge cuts near my hips, along my stomach, and just under my chest.

On the outside, Starfire looked as if she was calmly accessing the situation, but since I am an empath and can sense other's emotions, I could tell she was a mix of concerned, scared, and confused.

I just took a deep breath and held a hand over my wounds. Using my powers I was able to heal myself, but it left tiny scars in its place. I didn't mind though, I just shrugged and looked up at her.

Starfire had gone to her closet.
"You simply cannot remain in the undergarments, friend Raven. Come, I shall prepare the most splendid outfit for you!" Her eyes seemed to twinkle as she spoke, and I could tell she was quite excited to dress me.

On a normal day, I would've said no and went to my room.
But today wasn't a normal day.

So I sat on her bed while she dived through piles and piles of clothes like a mad woman, searching for the perfect outfit.
After about 10 minutes, Starfire emerged from her closet holding folded clothing. She took them over to me and lay them out onto the bed.

She had gotten dark blue, ripped, high-waisted jeans, along with a crop top that had long, loose sleeves, and a deep v-neck to finish the shirt off. I knew I would never be caught dead wearing an outfit like this.

It wasn't incredibly amazing, but for Starfire, I guess you could say it was pretty spectacular.
Beast Boy's POV 💚
"Dang, those girls sure are taking forever." Cyborg mumbled.

I impatiently paced around the room. Status Update? I was a wreck.

For the girls to take this long, the scars must be pretty deep, so Raven would be hurt and it'd be all my fault. I don't know what I'd do with myself if anything were to happen to her. Despite our differences, she's my best friend, and I would be devastated if she were harmed in any way, especially if it were because of me.

My pacing was cut short when I heard a door open. I straightened up and saw Starfire fly over to us with the biggest grin. "Come now friend Raven!" She called into the direction of the dark hallway.

Robin, Cyborg, Starfire and I all stood together, awaiting Raven's "arrival".

She walked slowly into the common room, and wow.!

She looked absolutely beautiful. I'd never seen anyone look so good in such dark colors. I just stared at the way it all looked up against her pale complexion.

"Lookin' good Raven." Cyborg said with a smile. Robin nodded."No bandages to be seen either so I'm guessing you were able to heal yourself properly?"

"Oh yes, it went terrifically well!" Starfire answered for her.

Raven smiled shyly.
That smile.. Oh that smile! The sun seemed to shine a little brighter when she smiled...

"I wouldn't say it went 'terrifically'..." Raven remarked.

I was snapped back into reality and my goofy grin instantly faded away.
"What do you mean... Is something wrong?"

"Don't worry BB, it's just few scars, that's all."

"Just a few scars? ... I hurt you, and so much so that you have scars on your body, and you're not even bothered by that?" I asked.

"Woah, calm down, no need to get upset!"

But I was getting upset. Without thinking, I looked her dead in eyes, and in a low tone I said,"Let me see the scars."

Everyone, including Raven, looked at me like I was crazy.

"I'm not asking you to take your clothes off or anything, I just wanna know how big these scars are." I explained.

I could tell that everyone was still looking at me weird. Raven was hesitant, but she lightly lifted her shirt to reveal many small scars along her stomach.

I turned away, feeling quite sad and frustrated. I didn't know what to say.

A few moments passed and I heard Raven whisper behind me,"It's okay Beast Boy, it's not your fault."

I took in a shaky breath.
"No... it's not okay. I-I'm disgusted with myself. How could I do such a thing..." I heard my voice crack, everyone did.

Suddenly, Raven was behind me, and placed a hand on my shoulder.
Raven's POV 💜
I obviously felt bad, I could tell he was hurting internally, and I knew what it was like to not have anyone who could relate.

He turned towards me, and I watched as his big green eyes began to water. Something overcame me, and before I knew it, I was wrapping my arms around him into a tight hug. Shortly after, I felt Starfire's arms around the both of us, then Robin and Cyborg's arms as well.

We all held each other while Beast Boy tried to calm down.

After about a minute I said,"There's no need to feel bad, I'm alright. A few scars won't kill me. Besides, I know you'd never hurt me like that on purpose."

Beast Boy sniffed,"Thanks Rae." He responded.

We both looked at each other and smiled softly, blushed, then smiled again, and it went on for what seemed like forever.

All of a sudden we heard a loud beeping sound and the moment was ruined.

We all jumped away from each other as Robin yelled,"Titans, trouble!"

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