chapter 2

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Neil awoke to the smell of bacon. Which puzzled him since he was on his own in the middle of an overgrown wood. Then he realised he wasn't alone. Jason was back, with more plastic bags.

“Morning” he said cheerfully when he saw Neil was awake “Bacon sandwich?”

Neil stared for a few minutes as he revised his plans to leave. Then he took the sandwich. It was good, Neil couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten something that nice for breakfast. Once they'd finished Jason led the way back out of the wood. They didn't come out in the park but on an old railway line. Jason tossed the bags away and then the two of them set off along the rails.

“I've walked the whole length of this abandoned line” said Jason “no-one comes here, just like the wood, so I can do what I want.”

They were quiet for a bit as they balanced along each track.

“Hey Jason?” asked Neil “It's a Tuesday, shouldn't you be in school or something?”

“Nah, I don't care about that sort of thing, I know most of it anyway” grinned Jason “Besides when I grow up I’m going to travel the world, I could climb Everest in shorts and a t-shirt. And at the moment I’d much rather be hanging out with you than sitting in boring lessons in some stuffy classroom.”

Neil found himself grinning too as they wandered along the tracks. Now that he'd started, the flood gates opened and Jason talked and talked and talked about himself. At first Neil thought he'd get annoyed, he didn't tend to like lot's of conversation, but as Jason kept talking Neil found himself interestedly listening. They found a pond by the railway on another plot of abandoned land. Jason held apart barbed wire, the rusted metal digging deep gouges in his palms, so that Neil could get through. Neil was about to ask if he was alright when Jason held up his hands and the wounds closed up in seconds leaving no trace of any injury.

“You know” said Neil thoughtfully “That's pretty useful”

Jason just grinned and went to explore the pond. Neil paused for a moment, then he shrugged and followed smiling. It had been ages since he'd last had fun like this. There wasn't much excitement at the pond save for when Jason nearly fell in. Neil managed to grab him in time and then spent ten minutes scolding him to be more careful.

“Sorry, sorry” said Jason grinning “I'm not very good at noticing dangers when I can heal without worry. Thanks for saving me”

Neil looked away, no-one had spoken to him nicely for what felt like years, never mind thanking him. By this time the two of them were getting hungry so Jason led the way, through the barbed wire, back onto the overgrown rail track. Jason set off away from the wood once more with Neil in tow. Further on and there was a hedge growing across the track-way. In fact, Neil noticed, the train-tracks stopped before the hedge. Jason pushed his way through a gap in the hedgerow and when Neil followed he stepped out onto the pavement of the road leading into town.

“Onwards to lunch!” said Jason extremely seriously as he set off into town.

Neil laughed and followed. Jason knew where he was going but even to Neil who'd never been in the town before... it was just another town. Jason went inside a nondescript building off the main street. Neil wondered what he could be getting in there when the smell of vinegar preceded Jason's return with two portions of fish and chips wrapped in greasy paper. It also turned out that they'd done a big circle as the chip shop was right next to the park, which was where they ate their lunch. Neil stared up at the cloudless sky as he ate his meal. Next to him Jason was rabbiting on about something or other. Neil wasn't really listening, he was just thinking to himself that, sat there next to Jason eating some nice food, he was happy.

“Neil... Neil!”

Neil jerked round to see Jason grinning.

“You weren't listening” said Jason “I said, you should stay at my house tonight”


“Think about it. I introduce you as a friend from school, my parents have never met you but I’ve never really had friends round so they shouldn't be suspicious. This way you get to sleep inside”

Neil had immediately been against the idea when Jason had first said it, but when he listened to Jason's reasoning it didn't sound too reckless.

“Okay” he said smiling “let's do it then”

Together they got up from the bench they were sat at and ran, Jason leading, across the park, out of the gate, over the road, down the second avenue they came to and up to the third house on the right.

“This is where I live” said Jason with his signature grin “Come on, if you get asked something follow my lead”

Jason walked up the path with Neil following, the door was open and they stepped inside.

“Mum, I'm back” called Jason “I've brought a friend”

A woman in her mid thirties with the same dark hair as Jason poked her head out of a doorway.

“Who is it?” she asked.

“His name's Neil, can he stay over please!”

“Hmm, I don't know”

“Please! We already asked his parents and they said yes”

Jason's mum shook her head and laughed.

“Well alright then, hello Neil”

“Ah... um, hello Mrs Standbridge” said Neil uncomfortably.

“Come on, this way” said Jason as he charged up the stairs.

Neil followed suit and they ended up in Jason's room. Jason proceeded to introduce Neil to the latest video games. It took most of the evening but by the end Neil was easily as good as Jason. Then Jason's mum called and they rushed downstairs laughing ready for food. It was lasagne and, while he was eating it, Neil was crying on the inside. Eating home made food, with a family, round a table... it'd been so long since he'd felt like he was in a home. Afterwards Jason's dad moved a mattress into Jason's room and Jason's mum fetched some blankets and a pillow. After Jason’s parents had gone the two boys turned the X-box back on and played for a few more hours. Finally though, they decided to go to sleep. Neil lay there, warm and comfortable, and wondered when it had been the last time he'd slept inside on a mattress.

“Goodnight Neil” mumbled Jason as he rolled over in his bed.

“Goodnight Jason” said Neil from his mattress on the floor.

And as Neil lay there falling asleep he wondered when the last time had been when someone had said those words to him.

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