chapter 1

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The young blonde boy stood scowling as the stones clattered on the ground around him. The other children in the park were shouting insults and throwing rocks, telling the strange new kid to go back where he came from. They weren't very good shots but even so, it wasn't the best way to enter a new town. One stone came on target though and the young blonde boy had to move his head slightly so that it missed. As if that was the last straw he clenched his hands behind his back and bright flames licked out of his fists. He opened his hands and the little fires burned greater and filled his palms. The boy was about to bring his hands forwards and unleash righteous retribution when another pair of hands covered his. He quickly let the flames go out but even so. The young blonde boy turned to see who could be foolish enough to grab him. It was another boy, black hair and brown eyes, with unblemished skin.

“You can't do stuff like that” the other boy said urgently “quick, this way!”

The black haired lad dragged the blonde boy away from the massed children, who had stopped throwing when someone else had appeared, and into the bushes and trees next to the park. He didn't stop, just kept leading further in, at one point he dropped to his knees, till they reached a clearing by a huge tree.

“We should be okay here” said the black haired boy smiling “only I know about this place”

The blonde haired boy viewed him cautiously and stood apart.

“Why did you grab my hands?” he asked carefully “aren't you hurt?”

The black haired boy grinned and held out his hands. The blonde boy frowned and moved a bit closer to see. Then he blinked, the black haired boy's hands were healing rapidly before his eyes. A few seconds later and there was no sign of a burn at all.

“My name's Jason Standbridge, ten years old” said the black haired boy holding out a freshly healed hand.

Slowly the blonde boy reached out and took it.

“Neil” he said “Neil Raskason, I'm twelve”

“I grabbed your hands because you would have called all the adults down on us”

Neil raised an eyebrow and looked a bit confused. Jason grinned and sat down motioning for Neil to as well.

“I'm under suspicion” said Jason conspiratorially “when I was little I was hit by a car. But I healed in days what should have killed me. So 'Government' people came and ran lots of tests on me but couldn't find anything different about me. They had to let me go but I see them occasionally, they fit in perfectly but I know they're watching me from cafés and shops. Anyway, what I’m saying is that you can't do anything odd around here. I can't heal anything in public, and if people see me get hurt I have to let it heal slowly. So anyway, what about you?”

Neil sighed, he didn't want to talk, he wanted to eat and sleep. But then he looked at Jason's eager face and shining eyes and groaned.

“Alright” he said “I'll talk, I can make fire, happy now?”

but Jason's eager puppy dog look didn't go away.

“Fine” sighed Neil “I'm an orphan, my parents died in an explosion that destroyed my house. From then on I could make fire, of course I kept it secret. I was supposed to go to my uncle's to live but I hate him. So when I got there I waited till everyone was asleep, burned the adoption papers, stole a load of money and ran away.”

Neil realised that Jason was now staring at him in awe.

“Woah, that sounds so cool, just like some sort of adventure film”

Neil didn't feel comfortable with that sort of attention and looked away. He looked back at the sound of Jason getting up.

“Wait here” said Jason smiling “I'll be back real soon”

Then he disappeared back into the bushes again. Neil stared after him and then sighed.

“Well” he said “now that he's gone I guess I should make myself scarce too”

But when Jason returned with two full shopping bags Neil was still there.

“Food” was all Jason said as he sat again and started unpacking the bags. Neil reluctantly came closer and began to eat too, he hadn't had a proper meal for days.

“Where'd you get all this?” he asked Jason.

“I bought it”

“You must be quite rich then”

“Nope, I’m stony broke” said Jason grinning again.

“Then how...?”

“Well you see” said Jason opening a packet of crisps “when even your parents are suspicious of you, and don't give you pocket money, you learn how to be light with your fingers.”

Neil paused and stared at Jason mid-bite of his sandwich.

“You didn't strike me as that sort of type” he said.

“That's why I tend not to get caught” said Jason grinning.

Despite himself Neil smiled slightly as well. Jason started telling stories about close encounters while pick pocketing or getting badly injured in public. And despite himself Neil couldn't help laughing along with some of them. Neil started talking a bit more as well and they were both busy laughing together by the evening.

“Oh, man it's late, I'm gonna have to get home” said Jason checking his watch “what about you?” he asked Neil.

“I'll stay here, I'm used to sleeping rough”

Jason grinned and reached for one of the plastic bags which still had something in it.

“You know I had this feeling you were going to do that” said Jason grinning as he pulled a sleeping bag out and tossed it at Neil.

“The trees are so thick rain shouldn't reach you, so you should be fine. I'll see you tomorrow” said Jason as he got up and darted off into the undergrowth.

Neil stared at the bushes into which Jason had vanished, which all looked identical to him, and sighed again.

“I should probably leave before he comes back tomorrow” said Neil as he settled down to sleep. But things are never as simple as people expect.

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