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Amelia detested silence.

As much as her family had visited her in the hospital it was never long enough to occupy the single room, and so she was grateful when the time had come for her release into Charles' and Erik's care. Whilst it had taken a great amount of persuading from both parties, reluctantly her parents allowed the 20 year old to make a decision of her own, after Charles had explained everything but Shaw to the parents.
However, even now as the three made their way in a small yellow taxi, it was unbearably quiet for her. Conversation had been forced as they arrived to collect her; and after she promised her parents she would keep in touch with them, embarked on their relatively long drive to CIA headquarters in silence.
Every now and then she'd tried to steal glances at the man that sat next to her, but each time he would meet her bright green eyes with a frosty blue that would alarm her, making her turn away shyly. For the majority of the journey she found herself staring forwards at the back of Charles' thick brown hair, too nervous to try and catch Erik's eye again. In reality she longed to talk and find out more about the two men; she wished to know how they had both come to meet and to be involved in the CIA.

In front of her Charles shuffled in his seat to turn around and face the two that occupied the back seats. He glanced at his recently acquired friend with a twinkle of mirth in his warm blue eyes and the German rolled his eyes, and turned to face the younger woman.
"You'll be safe with us now, we'll train you to control your abilities. We can't promise it, but we won't allow anything to happen like what you've already been through."
His words came out softly, reaching out in a comforting way that even himself didn't think he was capable of.
Amelia looked up to him with half open eyes although avoiding eye contact. She gently bit her lip a small sign of anxiety before letting it go to speak.
"It's not control I'm worried about anymore..."
"What do you mean?" Charles interjected forcing his body to turn more so he could give her his undivided attention.
"I'm not worried about control, it's quantity. I can myself burning inside, it's inside me and I can feel it moving, circulating through my blood. Here,"
She reached out a hand to the telepath, giving him permission to enter her mind.
Never before had Charles seen something so aggressive.
If felt like a completely different entity to the woman in front of him, it raged and boiled inside of her; yearning to be free. To her credit, the woman did have a great deal of control to stop something that pained his mind to touch. He backed out of her mind as quick as he entered and noted the sad, weak smile upon her face.

Erik was not wrong when he had said they had found someone special.

Raging Embers A Magneto story (Erik Lehnsherr)Where stories live. Discover now