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The mood was light but it still wasn't as flamboyant as it was previous to the interruption. Amelia was thankful that the boys in the room had taken to playing with the pin ball machine and effectively creating a more or less relaxed environment. It was quiet and that was something Amelia didn't deal well with; she would often describe herself as the introvert with an extroverts dreams. She took notice of the blonde who sat crestfallen on the sofa with her hands resting on her lap. The fire user moved from her spot by the window to take a seat next to the blonde, even giving her shoulder a light squeeze as she did.

"Between you and I; I like their names,"
She paused when the young mutant turned to face her with a soft look in her eyes
"And I think Erik did too."
Amelia chuckled lightly bumping her shoulder too, which caused a bubble of laughter to erupt; even if it was brief.


The blonde mumbled with a slight smile and she seemed to visibly relaxed...

The serenity didn't last long when the sound of muffled cries could be briefly heard and then quiet once more. Those who heard it had moved closer to the sound out of curiosity. Amelia followed behind Alex and Darwin who seemed to lead the group forwards to investigate. The silence was once again broken by the sound that could only be described as something tearing, it was a strange sound indeed, followed by sound of more screaming and then silence. Amelia felt her insides tense as a grim feeling over came her, her fears confirmed when the sounds repeated and a body landed far too close for comfort.

The group huddled closer, some screaming when they realised what was happening. They naturally seemed to track backwards out towards the door that lead away from the immediate danger in front of them. Once the door was opened they realised the magnitude of what was going - the CIA agents were being picked off one by one. A few more were killed before Darwin's tactics had changed, and his natural instincts kicked in and he tried to reason with the CIA agents that they could help stop, whatever it was that was attacking them. Watching Darwin inspired Amelia to join in with him, virtually begging to let them help, but even with their guns poised and useless the agents told them to get back out the way. It was frantic, Angel and Raven sobbed quietly as shock and grief had hit them quickly; the younger boys were in a stunned silence simply going along with whatever the rest of the group did.
Amelia felt they had finally gotten through to the agents to let them help when she noticed how they had managed to push forwards again, until an explosion rang out below them and shot upwards. Without much thought she pushed forwards to try and contain as much of the backlash as she could. Flames licked at her exposed back as she shielded her mutant friends from the explosion.
"Go back guys!"
She winced uncomfortably as she felt her clothes begin to shred and her hair whip behind her violently. Luckily no one in the group was hurt, she had managed to react quickly - unlike her last attempt...
After a moment she felt sufficiently comfortable that they were a safe distance away that she let her control go and ran from explosion to stay with the mutant group. Following them and the path they re-entered their original room; only to see a red figure outside by the broken wide window and a man in a suit follow him through. It was clear very quickly to Amelia that this must have been a retaliation to Charles and Erik going to Russia and she panicked quickly. What if something had happened to Shaw and now his mutants were taking revenge? Or even worse, what if something had happened to Charles and Erik and his group had come to finish off the group before they could avenge them? Both concepts frightened her immensely and she briefly wondered what she had gotten herself into...Just because he had looked at her that way...

The door in front of them opened and in stepped another man, this once wearing a helmet and naturally gave off a vibe that screamed power. Amelia was certain if she could see energy this man would be radiating it right now.

"Where's the telepath?"
He spoke softly.

"Not here."
Came the reply from the red mutant who distinctly spoke with a Russian accent.

"Good, then I can at least take this silly thing off."
The man removed the helmet and placed it down before he advance slowly.
"Good evening. My name is Sebastian Shaw and I am not here to hurt you."
He sauntered over slowly with a smug grin on his face. Amelia tensed considerably at the mention of his name and looked around quickly; noticing how the others hadn't...hadn't Erik and Charles told them what they had told her?
This was the man who wanted to start a war with mankind and here he stood as if he was their saviour.
A bold voice spoke out from their left, a lone CIA agent aimed his gun at Shaw, ready to shoot if necessary.
It was like a request, but she knew it was more than that. It was an order to kill for him and she closed her eyes and looked away as the man disappeared and reappeared; doing just that. It sickened her.
"My friends. There's a revolution coming and when mankind discovers who we are and what we can do. Each of us will face a choice; we can either be enslaved or rise up to rule. Choose freely, but know this by definition if you're not with us then you are against us. So you can choose, either stay and fight for the people who hate and fear you. Or you can come with me and you can live like kings...and queens."
He finished, pointedly looking around the group. With his pause at queens it was evident he knew he had convinced someone in the group as he held his hand out. Something of which was taken by Angel. He clasped her smaller hand in his and began to walk off towards the broken window.


Raven called out, the hurt evident in her young eyes.

"It's bullshit Angel! You've no idea what he's capable of! Just look around!"
Amelia desperately tried to reason, feeling more comfortable to speak out knowing he had moved further away from her. He seemed to smirk before letting go of Angel's hand to go back to the group and directed his attention to Amelia.
"And just what have they told you Hm?"
He asked whispering in her ear as he moved too close for her comfort. He hadn't displayed any form of physical dominance or strength, and yet he terrified her. His close proximity made her natural instants literally flare up and she tried to summon as much fire and heat onto her skin to repel him, but it didn't deter him; in fact he acted like he barely noticed until he put his hand on her right shoulder, his arm snaking around her neck.
"You've got something, just...here."
And brushed a small amount of ash off of her partially burnt clothes and effectively putting out the fire and heat she was summoning to protect herself. Once she felt herself go back to normal temperature she whimpered weakly, not understanding how he had acted like a human fire blanket. He took a step back, admiring the pale and terrified expression on the young woman.
"That's what he's told you then?"
He grinned and moved away, going back towards Angel who looked more confused than sorry with the situation. Once he gripped her hand again she looked away impassively and the rest of the group followed her.

"Come on. We don't belong here. And there's nothing to be ashamed of."

She turned and walked away.

"We have to do something."
Raven muttered.

Out of the corner of her eye she caught Darwin and Alex seem to shove each other before Darwin spoke out.

"Stop. I'm coming with you."

"Good choice. So tell me about your mutation."
Shaw questioned as he came forward.

"Well, I adapt to survive,"
The rest of the group moved to spread themselves out, but Amelia partially stayed where she was.

"So I guess I'm coming with you."

"I like that."
Shaw breathed out, gesturing for Darwin to join the line.

It happened so quickly. Darwin shouted to Alex, the others ran and Alex charged up his powers and aimed them explosively at Shaw who spread his body out to capture the energy, much like how she caught her fire. And suddenly it made sense how he had put out her fire - he could absorb energy.

"Adapt to this."
Shaw said forcing something red into Darwin's mouth and with that his group had disappeared leaving Darwin outside on his own. Morphing through different materials, rock and metal until he looked to Alex and reached out to him before the energy became too much for him and consumed him.

Darwin gave his life that night to try and protect them.


Raging Embers A Magneto story (Erik Lehnsherr)Where stories live. Discover now