Raging Embers A Magneto story (Erik Lehnsherr)

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Decided to start a little X-men First Class story that will hopefully run through into X2, X3 and then maybe cross over with Avengers, see how it works out. Please comment, vote or message to get an opinion on the opening chapter of this story. Thank you.

The Room had fallen deathly silent as bright green eyes bore into pale blue. She desperately tried searching for some lie from the man in front of her but found none. Her gaze flickered over the other man in front of her, his piercing blue eyes never left her and an unreadable expression weighted heavily on his handsome face. Her eyes moved away from him quickly, feeling nervous from his intense gaze.
"What do you say Amelia?"
Came the polished British accent from the man whom had initially addressed her, the friendly one her mind categorised him as, but he had introduced himself as Charles Xavier and his friend, Erik Lehnsherr. 
She didn't know how they had found her, sitting bandaged up in a stuffy hospital room but they knew just enough about her and what had happened. The young woman fiddled uncomfortably with a tightly wrapped bandage around her forearm and continued up to the top of her arm.
"I don't know what to say, this gift? It was a fluke, the nurses said I'm lucky to be alive with only a few burns."
She too was British, although her accent had weakened from the three years she had lived in America.
"That's because they don't understand like we do. We've lived with powers and abilities far greater than anyone has known until now."
Came Erik's rebuttal, however she could tell he had more to say; his eyes glistening with silent determination and pride.
"We will help you to understand your gift Amelia, if it takes a day, a week or years we'll support every stage of your development. All we ask if you trust us."
Amelia's head lowered as she thought, her dirty blonde hair covering her face whilst she silently contemplated her future. Eventually she lifted her head with an uncertain smile and looked at both of them in turn.
"You promise?"

The two men climbed into the waiting taxi wordlessly until after a moment Charles spoke up.
"I'm not entirely sure we made the right decision asking her, she's so young, so fragile." 
His voice was thick with uncertainty, his mind clearly not at ease. 
"We made a promise Charles, "
Erik clamped a strong hand on his recent acquired friend.
"We will help her. If she's as powerful if you think she is, she'll be a great asset."
Charles sighed deeply, he couldn't miss the smirk that filled Erik's face.

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