Tᕼe ᗷegiᑎᑎiᑎg: ραят fινє

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It has been a few months since Pinkie had seen the two sandwich brothers. The pink mare had just finished planning a party in her party cave.

As she came back up the slide, she smiled at her pet, Gummy.

"Oh, Gummy!" She smiled big. "Tomorrow is going to be amazing!! I have the most amazing party planned for Mrs. Cake!!" Her pet blinked...

Slower than usual...

Pinkie ignored it. "And now I have a lot of shopping to do! Bye, Gummy!" She smiled at him before she left to gather supplies.

As she left, Gummy laid down.


When Pinkie returned to her room, she sat her bags down and got ready for bed. As she was walking to her bed, she smiled at her gator. "Goodnight Gummy!"

Before she got into bed, she realized something...

"Wait... I haven't fed you since last night!! Oh you poor thing! You must be starving!" Pinkie went to the fridge to get his food. She took out a small fish and put it in front of her pet. "There you go!" She smiled big.

Gummy didn't move.


Gummy laid down.

"Are you not hungry?? You have to be!"

Gummy laid his head down.

"Gummy?" Pinkie was starting to get a little worried. "What's wrong? What do you need? Do you need a hug?" She smiled and picked up Gummy.

He blinked slowly.

Pinkie pulled him away and gasped. "GUMMY! Such language! If you don't want a hug, just say so!" She put him down. "Geez..."

Gummy laid back down and closed his eyes.

"Oh I see! You're just tired!" Pinkie smiled. "Well I guess you can eat in the morning!" She put the fish back in the fridge and went into her bed.

"Goodnight Gummy!"


The next morning, Pinkie woke up, full of excitement. "TODAY IS THE DAY! MRS. CAKE IS GONNA SMILE SO WIDE!" She jumped with joy, then turned to her pet. "But first, you need your fish!"

Pinkie went to the fridge and grabbed the fish and placed it in front of Gummy.

Gummy continued to lay down.

"You've got to be hungry, now! What is it?"

Gummy closed his eyes.

Pinkie was starting to get concerned. Why was he acting this way? Why wasn't he hungry??

"Maybe Fluttershy will know what's going on with you.. Mrs. Cake's party isn't until later." She picked up her pet and walked out the door to Fluttershy's Cottage.


"So what's going on with him? Too many parties??"

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